MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > Is there anything out there which shows ...

Is there anything out there which shows Nazis as the good guys?

Not really looking for a documentary like Triumph of the Will, but more something on the lines of Letters from Iwo Jima.



What about Valkyrie?


A Nazi soldier saves Adrien Brody's character in The Pianist.


Schindler's List is one


schindler's list


There are quite a few films that show WWII era Germans as good guys. Usually, those characters are explicitly or implicitly non-Nazi or anti-Nazi. Few if any show characters who are outright Nazis as anything other than villains - and for some very good reasons.


I don't think anyone suggested the German TV series "Heimat". I don't know how you can watch it right now. The original 1984 version is currently unavailable on Netflix.

It's more of a story about a small town in Germany through the war years; not overly political or military oriented.

