MovieChat Forums > Beyond Skyline (2017) Discussion > PLeeeeeease tell me this isnt going to h...

PLeeeeeease tell me this isnt going to happen..

With the worst ending ever created, this better not happen

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!


Worst ending ever created? You need to check yourself buddy.

"I don't smoke, drink or swear anymore. F^ck! I left my bag of weed at the pub."


I'm thinking straight to DVD. Can you say Starship Troopers? If they don't have a decent budget I doubt it will make anyone happy (crappy CGI), but they could still plug along and make more movies on a smaller budget ala Starship Troopers. I still think it's straight to DVD. Americans don't like unhappy endings and Skyline didn't have the best one although it did leave the door open.

I have mixed feelings about the movie. I liked it, but I wanted a bigger response, a bigger fight from humanity. If they made the movie 15-20 minutes longer; With an escape or a major victory in some sense I think it would have made for a much better movie and would have boosted chances for a sequel. I didn't feel emotionally invested in the characters by the end. I didn't feel like they cared all that much for one another. I don't think that has bearing on the actors, I think it was more of how it was written. If he had been happy that she was pregnant or if they were closer in general. I couldn't tell what their relationship was until about 1/3 the way through. I can't remember them even kissing.

The bigger problem I had was that I felt like there was no hope for humanity. If you don't give the audience hope I don't think they respond well. While the twist ending gave some hope I feel like it wasn't enough. Every time they tried to escape or fight back they were decimated so what would be any different this time?


I don't think this is going to happen tbh. Has there actually been any news?



First, I don't understand how 1/3 of the world can "love" someone who commanded the rape, murder and sacrifice of millions and billions of people.

Second, the "worst ending ever created" is the entire reason for the sequel to exist. Such an awesome cliffhanger can not exist without a conclusion.


I thought the ending was interesting. I honestly didn't think there was going to be a cliffhanger. You could tell the budget was pretty low for this movie as it never really show any other locations around the planet. It was all about a group of people trying to survive. The ending still makes you wonder who's left on Earth to fight. Will the movie pick up where it left off or go to a different location to see how others were handling the attacks? I'm interested in seeing what happens next. Skyline was not the worse Sci-Fi alien movie I've seen.


I'm about as excited to see this film as I am to watch every episode of Barney the Dinosaur.


..and yet here you are reading the forums for it. You're either 8 and truly love Barney or your sarcasm needs a little work. LOL


i really hope it picks up from that ending, after watching this movie 3 times now i maintain the same thing that the end should have really been the middle of the movie so a sequel would be perfect.


I really don't understand why people are so ignorant...and i don't understand why people say that crap, cause some people actually want to see it, if you don't want to see another one then just don't watch if its released, but you don't have to tell the world "PLeeeeeease tell me this isnt going to happen" or "this better not happen" how stupid, like it affects you in any way...GROW UP!!!

If you think u could do better then go ahead, so then we can tell the world that your movie was crap and that you better not release a sequel!!!
