Lisa R

I don't think what Lisa did was meant to be malicious. She talked to Eden about Kim Richards drinking problem however by the time it got back to Kyle it sounded worse than what is was intended. Now Eden should not have repeated what Lisa said because "In reality" it was not her place and "Kyle never asked for her opinion".

As a person in recovery I can say Eden should have known to "Zip it" . She meant no harm but when she echoed words like enabler to "Kyle" that sounds insulting to Kyle because it is!

Lisa "You Need to Own It"


Obviously it was malicious or she wouldn't pretend to forget she said it!


Agreed. Lisa said as clear as day Kim's near death and Kyle is her enabler. Eden repeated it word for word. Those are strong accusations and not something you'd say if you weren't trying to be malicious. Rinna never should've said it in the first place but yes, she could've saved herself a lot more trouble by "owning it" when Kyle confronted her in Mexico. She took the coward's way out for too long.


Anyone who abuses substances to the point of addiction is close to death potentially. I think Kyle does enable Kim and I'd be shocked if Kim is truly clean and sober or if she ever was. She has lied about it several times.
Kim doesn't "own" anything she does including making weird insinuations about someone's husband. She's an addict and part and parcel of that is lying.


I'm not a Kim fan and agree about her being a liar and quite nasty when she's confronted about it but it doesn't change the fact that Rinna lied about what she said. Obviously that's her opinion and she said what she felt but for someone who prides herself on "telling it like it is" she should've copped to what she said and said "I'm just speaking my mind". The whole "I don't remember" bit was just stupid.


I think Lisa R was coming for a caring place. Kim clearly has a problem. I remember in the first season, it said she went to rehab and taking one day at a time. Clearly that did not help her...


She is so skinny too. I hope she is okay health wise...
