Wow, that was horrible

I totally understand why Syfy didn't pick this up. There's just no substance there at all. The repetitive actors and really bad green screen were extremely distracting, and the plot was just so-so. There was zero character development, and I found myself hoping that the cylons woud just wipe these guys out, so something interesting would happen.


Just finished watching the final 2 parts and I have to say that the ending was pretty well done and the last couple of minutes had a nice "pay off".

Still, I'm not that thrilled with the actor they picked to play Adama.


Yeh the final two episodes were kinda "wtf". But I liked it...

There also appears to be some discontinuities...Zoe was a skinjob in comes the cylons don't know how to do it?


That's true, I forgot about that last scene on Caprica. I guess you could say that the six model at the end of B&C was an incomplete version of an early attempt at a skinjob


Yeah, nice catch. That hybrid skinjob model asks the traitor girl "Are you alive?" (nice callback to the opening scene of the miniseries). It can be inferred that that is indeed a prototype "6".


That was very eerie in the deja vu way. She even snapped that girl's neck (another callback to the miniseries and show), which who knew, would turn out her "trademark move" :)

ORANGE for all



That was actually Tricia Helfer's voice


That was very weird. The Final Five only reach the 12 colonies towards the end of the war. I thought the other models were supposed to be based on people they knew on Earth? Why is there already a proto six around then?


Inquiry - when was it ever said that any of the models beyond Cavil were based on anyone?

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


Hm, maybe it was just Cavil and I jumped to conclusions to quickly. I do remember people talking about it on the Sci Fi Channel's BSG forum though.


Number 7, Daniel, was based on Daniel Graystone. Number 1, Cavil, destroyed the model because he was jealous of him being the "favourite" of their "mother" (Ellen).

It's not said that explicitly, but if I'm not wrong some of the writers had confirmed this point.


It was never confirmed, only hinted at, as a "possibility"

President of the BSG Boards


It was the Graystones who created the Zoe skinjob, and even then when she was raised, you saw that it was a robotic like body. It was more robot than skin. With this one however, you saw it had more "meat" on it. Eventually, the F5 will teach the cylons how to make proper working ones.

Also, the green screen, reused actors, effects and script weren't as great as BSG or Caprica was because they were given an extremely smaller budget by Syfy.


I liked it for what it was, I wouldn't expect a lot from something that was released as web series as well as only being given a small budget, they didn't have the budget to rebuild the sets, since they were taken down when the last series ended so I get why they used CGI.

I agree you about the actors, they probably could have gone to a theatrical company, repertory theatre or school and cast some unknowns who could still act and it would have saved them a little more money than using seasoned character actors that had been seen in the previous BSG series.

I'm not a big fan of prequels, most of them are alright but I would like to see some new original projects developed.

Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.


Zoe was never a skinjob, that was just an android, you could see the machinery as she first appeared. Canonically, skinjobs didn't appear until after the end of the war.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.



from the wiki -

"On Ragnar, Adama is attacked by a supposed arms-dealer who claims to be simply bootlegging supplies, but who is clearly being affected by the radiation cloud surrounding Ragnar, which humans are immune to. Adama deduces that he is facing a new type of Cylon that looks, sounds and acts human."

I remember that scene. Pretty much plays out as described above. With Olmos owning every second of his scene as always.


Give Callum Keith Renne some credit too. He's definitely an underrated actor.


He's my favorite Canadian actor.

Gypsies steal buttons.



I infer based off of Adamas flashback to his final mission and discovery of the hybrid in the 2003 series that the Cylons were working on skinjobs a hell of alot longer then towards the end of the war simply because of the trouble that the 2003 cast had with making one working hybrid and at that time they knew the process


Zoe wasn't a skin job, she was a terminator (pure machine just with a skin covering).

Also on that note, zoe and the rest of the cylons diverged at the end of the Caprica. The cylons were based on the pre-existing zoe program not the one that was given a body by the graysons


I think that the creators are in a way trying to avoid relation with Caprica. As the fact that Zoe was a skin job did not correlate to the story plot that was used in BSG. Zoe would have been one of the original and we know the original 12 models were made by the first 5 and they all came from the previous planet which already experienced a nuclear holocaust.

In general I really enjoyed the concept of the new series. I hear things on and off the fence about further shooting. It would be a shame to let this story line end so abruptly.


I'll probably watch this again when the bluray comes out, to see if maybe it flows better in that format.


Yep. Maybe it would have been better if it weren't released in clips or just 10 "episodes". I found it to be *really* uneven. Okay in the beginning, picks up when they land on the planet, more unevenness and at first I thought these last two episodes were good. But...

Then you have a Face Heel turn,with the doctor, which made no sense. For the sake of the callback I could understand, but in terms of strategy WHY would you leave her there to be possibly picked up by the Cylons? HELLO? She was still alive when Husker and Coker left, I would have at least shot her in the head since they weren't in any condition to take her prisoner.

I was also surprised to see Coker survived, I would have "liked" it better if he had died, I think that might have made Adama's letter a little more poignant. It was justice though, considering Dr. Traitor gets her neck broken for her troubles.

It's also interesting to see that Adama possibly gets his inspiration about telling the fleet about Earth from his interaction with command. It gives the people hope.

They should have just kept on with the show or until RDM wanted those extra two years or whatever.


I liked it.

I was a bit confused about seeing the "prototype 6". I thought it was the Final Five that showed them how to become humanoid. But now I remember what we learned in Razor that the Cylons had many failed attempts. It wasn´t until the Final Five came along that they learned how to do them right.

Still the "Are you alive" part brought back some nice, fussy memories from the pilot.


Completely agree. Just another Caprica.


I didn't like the CGI proto-six at the end. I would of preferred some form of makeup/prosthetic. That CGI was really poor, the rest of the show was acceptable for the budget and all, the space scenes were nicely rendered.

It was more BSG, I won't complain.


I thought it was OK. It had a bit of a cartooney feel at times, but overall it was more interesting and better paced than Caprica. I wish there were more than 10 episodes.

The music was amazing.


Why would you come out trolling? Looking for recognition from some emo friendly troll group? How about if you don't like some thing shut up. Why voice you're useless opinion?


I just didn't think it was very good, so I figured I would voice my useless opinion about it. :)
