this will bomb big time

will ferrel is hilarious and usually hits the mark in most of his movies but this movie is a bad idea
when ur reading constant subtitles ur not watching the movie properly so ur missin so much of the funny face gestures etc
i know they thought it would be a different concept and it might work but i seriously think this will stink
the trailer is so dull
i hope im wrong but doubt it


I don't think it'll "bomb big time." However, the OP is correct that some people won't go see the movie because of the subtitles. But those people are idiots who are missing out, but they do exist and they do pay (or not pay) to see movies.


i disagree with the op I have seen a few non english speaking comedies with subtitles for example sex is zero out of south korea and still found it hilarious! i prefer foreign language movies to be subtitled rather than dubbed in english i like hearing the dialogue in it's intended tongue. the movie loses it's impact when it's dubbed, just my opinion anyway.

When you got to shoot,shoot. Don't talk.-Tuco


Multitasking is difficult. I mean reading subtitles AND watching a film at the same time? Shame on you Hollywood.

Shame on you.

Review AE &


Will Ferrel is not so funny, I do not think so when compared to Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn or Jack Black ...

Diego Luna farolísimo always, Gael García overacting, do not fit the comic roles. The cliche of Mexican society plagued by drug dealers is pretty used nowadays, exagerated and annoying, I do not see the point in this movie, even if we consider it as a comedy. If something I admired from Gael García was his ability to discern when choosing to work in a good movie, but this is a mess, a bad bad joke of the stereotype of Mexican society, and not even well done as NACHO LIBRE (great film)




its called having an opinion and thats what free speech is all about and if u think the film will work and be funny and succesful then good luck to you but you dont need to get nasty lets all just agree to disagree


I think that it will probably do well with that part of the American public that is intelligent and can read subtitles without being distracted. So yeah, it probably won't fare well in the US, the rest of the world will have no trouble with this movie. By the way, when you watch it, if you see the word "your," that is Ye Olde English for "ur."


I'm looking forward to this film. I live in Spain now and so chances are I'll be watching this film without any subtitles. I've been here a year now I understand and speak spanish more or less, and I'm a gringo :p I'll probably miss out on a few jokes since comedy is difficult in a foreign language, but it's nice to know a foreign language and be more culturized. I'm looking forward to laughing my ass off with will ferrells Spanish accent.


no, it will bomb because Will Ferrel is not funny. The more movies he makes, the less an less funny he is.. he is so in the negative of funny that he should be giving up soon. I pray for the day he stops making movies. My stomach churns every time i have to see his face. He is NOT FUNNY. But your right. This movie will bomb.


Can you even read? You can barely write.


Is it actually so hard to read simple lines so you have to concentrate? I would bet a lot of money that the conversations in the movie does not actually include any metaphysics, hardcore mathematics or anything like that.

Either check your sight so you can get glasses, or learn to read, or don't watch it. Either way, your choice.


If you're stupid, subtitles are a problem...


When I was young I thought the same thing, but as you get a little more mature you realize there are people with learning disabilities, or brain damage either through accidents or natural causes such as strokes that have trouble reading but are still intelligent.

Fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


That's why they invented dubbing. And movie theatres that cater to those specific needs. For the vast majority of everyone else, its pretty god damn easy to read.


You guys should watch more foreign movies. You are missing a lot of good things out of laziness.

You may even get a dubbed version spoken in proper *American* language.

"That was a courtesy flush. I'm not actually done yet"
