MovieChat Forums > Welcome to the Punch (2013) Discussion > Am I the only one who enjoyed this film?

Am I the only one who enjoyed this film?

I thought the acting was very solid, James McAvoy is one of my favorite actors and I have nothing bad to say about Mark Strong. Film as a whole I thought was shot incredibly well, had a nice tone to it. Action scenes were filmed well unlike typical Hollywood over-edited crap where you can't even tell what is going on. What held this back was the story, typical crooked cop can't trust anyone plot twist you can see coming from 30 miles away. Still didn't completely hold back my enjoyment of the film though. One of the better movies of 2013 so far.


I enjoyed this film as well.


I enjoyed it. Not the greatest film ever, in my opinion, but certainly good. Thought the acting and directing were good and it was fun seeing the bad guys get their just desserts.


I'm in the middle with this film.

Good directing, production, lighting and set-pieces - possibly Mann's 'Heat' was an influence.

McAvoy may be a good actor but was mis-cast as a tough cop and his attempts at a hard-man London accent was not convincing.

All characters and relationships needed more development.

But at least this wasn't the typical cartoon cops and robbers 'Brit-flick'.

Hopefully director gets another chance.


The answer to your question in the header is, yes.
