MovieChat Forums > Welcome to the Punch (2013) Discussion > Am I the only one who enjoyed this film?

Am I the only one who enjoyed this film?

I thought the acting was very solid, James McAvoy is one of my favorite actors and I have nothing bad to say about Mark Strong. Film as a whole I thought was shot incredibly well, had a nice tone to it. Action scenes were filmed well unlike typical Hollywood over-edited crap where you can't even tell what is going on. What held this back was the story, typical crooked cop can't trust anyone plot twist you can see coming from 30 miles away. Still didn't completely hold back my enjoyment of the film though. One of the better movies of 2013 so far.


Count me in, I dug it. ****Spoiler below****

Didn't agree with, or like that he let him go at he end but I also liked the way it ended without any resolution to what would happen to McAvoy. We didn't need to know because what his character needed was completed.

"Affleck, You da bomb in Phantoms Yo"


I thought it was good. And it was refreshing to see Mark Strong play someone with actual depth, instead of the usual angry, hotheaded villains he's type cast for.


Preemptively apologizing for my iPads Autocorrect.


I really liked it. And as an American who's not familiar with the current political climate in the UK concerning the issue of the British police carrying guns, I didn't find the movie to be predictable at all.


not fuzzed about others-but I also loved this film

its entertaining-some idiots seem to tjink its real-or has to seem to b

but no-unless its history
then could have aliens,in films-as none about,etc

I would love a sequal-to carry on ques-from the film


I liked the movie a lot 8\10 James Mcavoy really brought the action. yes this was better action and characters then the pg 13 super hero movies in theaters. in other words I agree with your post😀

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


Just saw this on Netflix and I really enjoyed it as an action film. Three things pulled it off--James McAvoy, Mark Strong, and great scene design. The opening sequence with the motorcycles was just stunning (although I do wonder what major urban city is absolutely devoid of people or cars at any time of the night?). Loved Mark Strong's despair over his son and McAvoy's conflict with his cop self and the righteousness that eventually puts him on Strong's side.

I'd put this film on par with The Drop, another small gangster film that features terrific performances.

Sure. I would have liked more on the main characters, but it was left open-ended so perhaps they'll do another that elevates the film more.



Enjoyed this film too-----it was nice to see James McAvoy do the tough cop role and kick some a** for a change (he really takes that to extremes in the movie FIFTH,though) and Mark Strong was solid as the main villain. Good film, although I did get a little confused towards the end.


No. I enjoyed it immensely. The Nitpickers' Convention is being held on this board.


I enjoyed it. Mark and James are usually very enjoyable.

"Can you hear them singing?"
