MovieChat Forums > Project X (2012) Discussion > From a teenagers perspective

From a teenagers perspective

Hey guys, Im 17 as of now, watched this movie and for all its fun it tried so hard to show, i didn't like it one bit. It wasn't funny, representative of what most teens are like and was immoral in many ways.

Now dont get me wrong, Im the sort of person who goes to the occasional party, has good grades, spends time with his family, does outdoor stuff and basically prides himself in having a balanced and healthy life. Now I understand that parties can get out of hand, and while I must admit having epic parties can be a lot of fun, disregarding other people's property, vandalism, and basically not giving a *beep* about the community and neighbors and such, im sorry but thats just crossing a line. Its not fun, its basically you being a dick to everyone else. Im sad that people my age find this movie fun, and i hate the whole 'party was epic all is forgiven' etc *beep* Trust me, realistically, this guy basically screwed up his life and many people lives and should be punished, not having the whole 'happy ending' bullcrap. There are plenty of ways of having fun and making it epic without being a complete dick to the rest of the community.

So long story short, i dont like this movie at all and it further instigates and encourages people my age do this sort of crap. Parties can be fun, but lets not go overboard.


HAHA agreed. It was like a movie that people could watch if they never go to parties. What a *beep* terrible movie, I felt so ashamed as a teenager to have to be compared with the attention-seeking, social climbing douchebags in the film. The token horny wog kid was the worst part. It's the kind of movie that all the lame people in my school want to make their parties like, but none of them even drink or have seen a drug.

I have measured my life out with coffee spoons.


Got to love the dumbass 16 year old's bashing the OP. ROFL.


great to see so many responses to my post. firstly, thank you all for those who agreed with me. I see my generation isn't completely lost in their direction. good on you.

now for all the other people, the critical points about my post are:

1) "Your not 17"
2) "Enjoy, your depressed, the guy whos boring bla bla bla"
3) "Calm down dude its only a movie"
4) And some stupid reference to batman

ok well for point 1, I can't convince you im 17 so either you trust me or not. I see no point in lying really.

2) I'm not depressed, im not boring either nor am i the type of person who plays with the dog in the house. I enjoy social interactions as much as the next guy does, but if you guys think liking this party is 'cool' because it gives you a false sense of security that you're somehow a party person and enjoy life by liking these types of parties, then go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

3) I know its a movie, but the movie needs to make sense and ACTUALLY needs to be FUN. there were barely an funny moments in the film to be honest. take the hangover for instance. that movie was FUN.

4)As for batman's reference, im not even going to bother. they are two completely different contexts, one of them actually saves lives. don't know what these kids are doing apart from damaging their brain cells, if they have any that is

For those whod think this is a great party and fun to watch movie, how about you actually experience a party instead of fantasizing of one


Dude really?I mean,what parties do u attend?Church ones or some cult gathering,or book club?
Yes some scenes were unrealistic and some didn't even work well in the context but i'd say 75% of it were things that do happen or could happen at such a rager.
Also once a party gets a life of it's own,u can't stop it no mater what,esp. when more and more ppl gather,of all ages,not just teens.
Yeah it might be immoral,or wrong,or irresponsible but i don't think any regular teen between 14 and 18(boys mostly)doesn't dream of something like that at least once.


The suggestion that this movie does not accurately portray the average high school party is equivalent to saying that The Hangover isn't an accurate portrayal of the typical bachelor party. No one would want to watch a movie that realistically shows what the average high school party looks like because there would be no storyline and it would be dreadfully boring to watch a bunch of kids sitting in a circle playing cards, shooting ping pong balls into cups and getting wasted off a few beers.


i agree and i think it's awesome that you are so grounded :) i wish more teens were like you


they should say, "DONT TRY THIS AT HOME".
Fight Club have got follower and I'm afraid this one too, just dont.


You're not the only one! I just gotta say that I will not watch it again, I mean it's... just nothing. Nothing happens. I'd rather watch Inception or Batman ^^ or something like that haha


when I was 18, I want to a party that was crazy....I mean, went to many parties, but there was one that really stood out. There were probably 500 people there, and the swat team and like 10 cruisers had to come after a fence was lit on fire. When we first got there there were 5 hour later there was a hour after that we were at one ever plans on parties like this in the real world (as teenagers)....they just happen!!!

I'll never forget that party, and I've been to quite a few over the years.


Behave yourselves kids.

