MovieChat Forums > Project X (2012) Discussion > From a teenagers perspective

From a teenagers perspective

Hey guys, Im 17 as of now, watched this movie and for all its fun it tried so hard to show, i didn't like it one bit. It wasn't funny, representative of what most teens are like and was immoral in many ways.

Now dont get me wrong, Im the sort of person who goes to the occasional party, has good grades, spends time with his family, does outdoor stuff and basically prides himself in having a balanced and healthy life. Now I understand that parties can get out of hand, and while I must admit having epic parties can be a lot of fun, disregarding other people's property, vandalism, and basically not giving a *beep* about the community and neighbors and such, im sorry but thats just crossing a line. Its not fun, its basically you being a dick to everyone else. Im sad that people my age find this movie fun, and i hate the whole 'party was epic all is forgiven' etc *beep* Trust me, realistically, this guy basically screwed up his life and many people lives and should be punished, not having the whole 'happy ending' bullcrap. There are plenty of ways of having fun and making it epic without being a complete dick to the rest of the community.

So long story short, i dont like this movie at all and it further instigates and encourages people my age do this sort of crap. Parties can be fun, but lets not go overboard.


I'm like a more extreme version of you! I'm 16 and I rarely, if ever, party, and my idea of an extreme night in is watching all the Saw films with mates (they get *beep* after the third one). But you touched on something quite key in your post, which is that of it being "immoral", and in my opinion you're right. It is immoral, very immoral, and all this film does is paint teenagers out to be that kind of person when they're not. Not all, anyway


"A man who does not spend time with his family can never be a real man."



Guys, I'm thirty, but I'm certainly no angel myself. I've been around the block: crazy parties; naked people; drinking games; loud music and DJs and getting messed up on pills or weed or drinks or all three. I'm not against partying, but when I watched this movie last night, I just kept thinking "This is seriously, irredeemably irresponsible behavior that screws up your life, your parents' lives, any innocent people who might get hurt or killed's life (and this DOES happen - I just read a newspaper article about one Project X real-life attempt where a guy was shot dead), and your community." No party, I don't give a damn hor epic it is, is worth that.

This is what bars are for. This is what music festivals and backwood raves and Thailand are for. But these teens' disregard for everything and everyone but themselves puts a damper on everything that happens. Not to mention the poor dog. You know, I used to attend or host parties where a bunch of dicks would show up and start blowing pot smoke into a housepet, or my cat's face. I just gotta say that is really crappy to do. It's not funny; it's cruel and idiotic.

And one more thing, that guy Costa was such a little twirp with his little Jewfro (as Judd Apatow would call it)and attitude. Hated him.

So thanks. I'm glad some teens out there are still considerate of others and sensible about their actions.

"The life of a repo man is always intense."



Great post, but I would have replied it to the people you were aiming it at or the OP himself...


"A man who does not spend time with his family can never be a real man."



You really subscribed to IMDB to go into the Project X message boards, find all the children-posts about how uncool everyone is who disliked the movie, to say stupid *beep* like "thank you" to them and "kill yourself" to everyone opposing?

Wow, thanks for signing up with IMDB! I bet you'll be a great addition to the community!


You come on here every day to post on message boards about movies.


I'm not going to grace that with a response. Now I REALLY know you do not belong on these boards. GTFO pls


All I'm saying is that maybe you just spend too much time inside? :/ I mean coming on here every day is very excessive.


Sure buddy. Adults are at work at the moment and have access to a computer with internet. Checking a few select boards on IMDB twice a day is not that much of a problem.

But please, go around insulting people here on the board with your memes and "forum picz".


Oh, so you're like 40 and do this, that's cool of you! Sorry, lol.. What? forum picz? You are insane, life of party.


Sigh... I'm 24. But seriously, whatever man, just don't go around insulting people. Or, since you need pictures to prove your points:


Jesus, you implied I was a kid when you're only 24, nice one. You kind f did that one on yourself, STFU is an insult. ^.^


Are you older than me? If you are, I'm really and truly sorry for you. I hope you don't have kids for their sake.


I'm 12, but I already have 3 kids. :)! Y78/s1600/u-mad-1.jpg


Whatever, the best high school memories I have are when the parties get out of control.


Because I'm not invited, and it pisses me off, dammit.

Seriously though, what's wrong with you? Of course it's not representative of how most teens are. Do you expect all movies to be? Do you expect ANY MOVIE to be? You didn't really go in to watch Project X and expect it to be a documentary about teen life, did you?

As a corollary, you're gonna go into a batman movie and complain, because it's immoral? The dude's taking the law into his own hands, going all vigilante, which is against the law. Yeah! Better shut down that franchise.
No one disagrees that the flamethrower is out of line, and if you're going to throw a party with 2k guests, you may want to find another revenue.. but man.. SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE MOVIE.


Thinking the party in this movie is lame is bad enough. Spending time online ranting about the party in this movie is AS BAD AS IT GETS.


To the original poster: NO! You're generation of teens today are very lame and docile compared to those of us from the 1970's to 1990's! Those of us who lived in the suburbs did a lot of bad stuff then, because we didn't have parents guarding us 24/7. Half the teens that had their own cars did not stay home on Friday or Saturday nights and there were no coffee houses! And if guys had an ear piercing, it was usually the left ear only, not on the gay side!

How the hell do you get alcohol now if you're under 21, besides someone else going to buy it for you? No such thing as "fake ID's any more!


"gay side" diminish yourself just saying that awkward thing.


*beep* weenie


I Agree with you, but dude chill out this just a movie everyone knows this stuff can't happen in real life and that exactly why we go to the movies or it wouldn't be fun otherwise

I Crows Zero


I agree with the OP.
The movie sends out a bad message to kids and teens.
"Hey, it's ok to trash your parents' house, just be honest with your dad and explain to him how much fun that one night was for you. Besides, you'll become very popular at school as well, so the damage to your parents' house is more than worth it."
I like to party and have fun, I did my share of "crazy" stuff while I was a teen, like everyone out there, but this movie totally encourages lack of responsibility, which isn't "fun" at all.
Besides, the movie doesn't stand out in any way, you could simply skip to the final 20 minutes without taking anything away from the "story".


I get you, I'm only 13 years old and I sure don't want and I am not going through that phase where you're a dick to everyone and go party, do stupid things with friends, etc.

I also like my family alot, like you and today I'm checking out this movie. I saw the trailer and I was like "Meh", but I enjoy found-footage movie, especially Chronicle, so I'm going to check this out. I hope I don't get scared for life, but well, for a 13 year old who loves horror movies and that watched Jaws when he was 3 and pretty much every horror/violence movie, I think a tiny found-footage flick won't upset me.

And, I agree with you, they aren't responsible and ruined their lives.


What the f ck do you know? You're f cking 13!


Okay, so you're saying Project X is little more than a nihilistic, intellectually daft send-up to wanton, teen debauchery, correct? Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought going in, I enjoyed the visual ride and didn't waste any time looking for a subtext, I'm not sure there is one, save for serving as a comment on the fact that Hollywood isn't exactly a bastion of creativity or originality. The reality show, YouTube clip aesthetic married to the shopworn, parents are away, teen destroys the house, plot, that's all that's going on here. If you're looking for insight into where our culture is headed I wouldn't consult this film. If you are so inclined, here are some facts you might want to mull over:

The national high school drop out rate is 30%.
Literacy rates have actually plateaued, and are starting to fall.
50% of the nation's working adults are earning less than 35K a year.
1 in 7 Americans is currently on food stamps.
50 million lack adequate health care coverage.
Total student loan debt now exceeds 1 Trillion dollars.
After decades of gains, life expectancy has leveled off.

Basically, every emerging trend paints a pretty bleak picture of America's future. It's scary to think where we'll be by mid 21st century.

So, turns out, if Project X had actually happened, it wouldn't have been the most disturbing thing going on that weekend.


Look at my profile pic. That's EXACTLY where we'll be by the mid 21st. Mike Judge is the 21st century's Nostradamus.
