MovieChat Forums > The Big Short (2015) Discussion > To those that thought this movie was "bo...

To those that thought this movie was "boring"

You're boring. You're boring a whole through the fabric of capitalism with your short attention span and inability to find interest in something that doesn't directly influence your current mood, something that's not immediately titillating. Your entitlement will be the death of us all.

With that being said...okay, maybe you've got a point. The intricacies of the financial market doesn't make for very compelling viewing...even if the subject matter is that of something we should all be privy to...the knowledge that the banks run America, that we're all fodder for the 1% etc. Stuff like that.
So the filmmakers throw in Margot Robbie as something shiny, a pay-off for having to hear the "boring" stuff. And so many comments here decry that as being an indication of a weak script, of poor story-telling.

IMO, that's more of an indication that a film director knows his audience. Its an indication of us, as a people, lacking an attention span and having fried our pleasure centers with the kind of immediate gratification that technology has brought us in recent years. An indication of real-life Idiocracy, as crappy as that might sound to say.
But its unsettling to see that people STILL don't get it. What a boring film with such stupid, self-serving tricks, they say.

Yeah its unfortunate they had to use tricks, but its unfortunate that a movie as important as this would likely be near unwatchable by many people if they didn't. But boring? The whole system had become corrupted thanks to the greed of bankers and the resulting fall-out had the potential to leave our country in a state of devastation beyond repair. Our way of life could have been forever changed...and it still has the potential to be.

Politicians are pushing to roll back the resulting regulations, rallying against the oversight put in place to keep this from happening again, and as a result, banks have begun to engage in the exact same practices as before. That whole, "not remembering the past, you'll be doomed to repeat it" thing seems pretty pertinent here, you know?

This is a test of capitalism, IMO. And if its to survive in a democracy like ours, the first step towards ensuring that, I would think, would be to have informed, thinking citizens who are tuned in...not to party, but to understanding what's best for ensuring the long-term success of our way of life. To at least try and educate ourselves on what we should be educated about. To try using our think for ourselves, I guess is what I'm saying.

Goddamn I'm preachy. But watching a movie like this, IMO, is about the very least someone could do to try and involve themselves, even if passively, in something that has the potential to affect their lives much more dramatically than the kind of stuff we'd find on Facebook, or whatever else we're good at distracting ourselves with.

TL;DR, the movie's not boring, you're just a horrible person is all. And probably kind of dumb. Plus, something about your Mom...on account of her being a whore and all. Lol sorry.


The movie itself even called the subject of banking boring. Face it: It's a boring industry.
