MovieChat Forums > Outsourced (2010) Discussion > I refuse to watch. Not in a million yea...

I refuse to watch. Not in a million years.

I was a customer service rep for six years. Got laid off. Mutual of Omaha decided to move all their customer service not to India, but to a cheaper place right here in America, (Woodward, OK) and since have closed that office.

Outsourcing to cheaper labor is a horrible, disgusting thing. For the workers, AND for the poor saps who call 'em on the phone. Making a joke about it, or trying to put up some kind of so-called "Human" side to the cheap labor is absolutely despicable. I hope this show lasts three episodes before the producers have to sit in their conference room and actually realize that this kind of outsourcing & exploitation of cheap labor is extremely un-popular. To BOTH sides of the aisle. Republicans AND Democrats, Right Wingers AND Left Wingers.

Absolutely appalled. Again, I won't help it in the ratings one bit.

"Have a good time. ALL the time. That's my philosophy Marty"


Read a *beep* Econ textbook. Outsourcing does not equal lost jobs.


Oh wow. Okay there was a call center in my small town that was outsourced and the company paid the employees without jobs a severance pay and gave those who wanted to go to school a scholarship for two years. Another call center came in and I worked there, and they opened places all over the world. I understand the frustration of outsourcing and why it upsets so many people, but this is a TV show. If you're that angry about outsourcing take it out on the companies that did said outsourcing. Blaming people in India or whatever country is totally wrong. They are people who need to support their families. How would you like it if someone came to your place of work and completely yelled at you because you were just doing your job to support yourself and your family?
Blaming someone for something out of their control is so wrong.
Grow up.

"I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way." Jessica Rabbit


To original post: Well, maybe next year, they can make a sitcom about child labor in a factory. That will get a *ton* of laughs.



Doesn't the US also get a lot of investment from Europe, Canada, Japan, China, and yes India as well? And isn't that investment bringing jobs to the US? Also, when those countries, including India, give a contract to a US company( sometimes in preference to a domestic company) isn't that a form of outsourcing/offshoring?

It isn't a one-way traffic; I suppose when people talk about outsourcing, they are talking about a few thousand jobs in call centres and programming. But that's not the only form of outsourcing.



War is horrible too, but people aren't going to stop making movies about it. Sure, it sucks that you lost your job, but in the grand scheme of things it really isn't a big deal. I work in an office, and if I was laid off because my employers wanted to pay someone less to do my job, I wouldn't boycott The Office.

Don't make outsourcing out to be the next holocaust. Every day people lose their jobs for even sh*ttier reasons, so get over it.



Agree with you ssadie86. I thought it was funny, though not fall off your seat funny. It was within bounds. If anyone was really being fun of, it was the Americans for their ignorance and insenstivity( i.e the hat joke, plus the redneck American's behaviour toward Indians)


Bitter much?

Free market economy. Unskilled labour. It is what it is. Educate yourself with some sort of in-demand skill and you would never have to lose a job.

By the way, in countries where workign in a call centre for the going wage is considered a decent living, cheap labour is not being exploited.


I think you're missing the point if you assume this show is making light of outsourcing; if anything, it's shining a light on it. Was M*A*S*H responsible for war? Of course not. It skewered the ridiculous nature of people who glorify war.

I do Night Desk IT work for a corporation; I deal with India constantly (it's day there when it's night here). People are right to criticize companies for the short-sighted strategy of sending jobs overseas (who, exactly, do they think will buy their product...when no one left here has any money?), but it's wrong to blame the Indian workers. Why WOULDN'T they want to work for an American company? In my experience, they're a funny, friendly, interesting people.

I suspect this show will be quite popular in India.


LOLOL, so the person who started this topic isn't watching for political/coporate reasons. lolololol....please, you shouldn't watch this show for the simple fact that its terrible on a level that would be acceptable if the writers were regular, everyday people who just happened to be kinda funny.

The Jersey Shore is the greatest TV series in history..srry THE WIRE & MM (no sarcasm)


i would like to say 'no offense but you're stupid' to all those that won't watch it because they dislike outsourcing jobs. Hey, i hate crime but I watch Sopranos, Godfather, Blow, Scarface, etc. I am an agnostic but yet I watched and loved Ben-Hur. I don't like the selfishness of the US financial system but I watched Walstreet, Boiler Room, etc.

Yes, outsourcing is a serious thing but so is crime, religion, greed, etc yet one can still watch it and love it. It's a *beep* comedy for g*ds sake. It's not mean to take a serious stand about the issue but based on the pilot, if it were taking a stance its poking fun at it and how messed up it is.


I am offended that it's called a comedy. But to the douche that thought a show about Outsourcing would be a good Idea with 9% unemployment you need to be unemployed and I bet you will be in about two weeks.


Seems like you lost that bet... LOL.


aww boo hoo.

listen to the receiving end of sirens.
