Depiction of God in This...

The thing is I know a lot of people who don’t believe in God & those who do but are indifferent at best but the surprising thing is they all seem to love how this movie depicts him, even the non believers which doesn’t make a lot of sense but I’m finding that this is the case. Why? Because according to them the depiction of him here is what they always believed he was in their minds, a raging, screaming, threatening tyrant which you have to admit this movie does focus heavily on.

Well I don’t think it’s that bad in this but that kid does have his moments you have to admit. I’m kinda wondering if the people who made this had an agenda of some kind in how they portrayed him in this. I’m surprised I don’t find many posts here that talk or ask about this.


They probably did have an agenda. But if they did, it blew up in their faces. Every biblical person of the Jewish and Christian faith know that God is rightfully just as wrathful as He is compassionate. We love our wrathful God, He keeps us in check.

Yes, it's a little scary. Mostly to the hippies in the media who want to portray God as a 100% peaceful new age concoction. To everyone else, God should be both loved and feared.
