these skin wearers

I'm not quite up to date on all the episodes yet, Darryl just rescued young lad & daughter from the skin club, but ....

what sort of bullshit is this?
people wearing dead peoples skins in order to walk around with the dead , pretending that its the only sensible choive because "society has fallen .." / "your camps wil die ..."

yeah right , so you assholes choose to wonder the countryside pretending to be zombies?
what sort of life is that?

Also how do they go about every aspect of staying alive / being human whilst still pretending to be zombies? where they get food ? do they light fires to keep warm? Do they ever wash clothes? whats the point of it all? If they think theres no hope why not just shoot themselves?

Its a fucking retarded plotline


yeah its dumb when they knew the other settlements(hilltop/alexandria) have survived for years, I guess its like a cult where Alpha brainwash everyone and those that tried to leave were prob killed.


I'm not a huge fan of their tactics. They are forced to travel in packs with zombies, which means they are nice and herded, and would be pretty easy to wipe out with a few automatic weapons.

Their lifestyle motivations are also sketchy at best. Just the thought of wearing dead people's skin is enough to turn me off from joining them. Even in a zombie apocalypse, it's hard to imagine anyone actually joining up with that group as they are quite obviously insane.


it is stupid but the actress playing Alpha is doing great as bat shit crazy.


As you’ve stated, you haven’t seen all of the episodes. They live an almost nomadic lifestyle, but they do have camps where they cook, eat, wash, etc. and generally stay in a specific area though, they just move around in it a lot. They just wear the masks during the day to control where the zombies go and use them to attack other groups. And the regular members were unaware of the large, successful, long term settlements. “Alpha said places like this can’t exist!” When told about the communities. Alpha has convinced all of them that places like that cannot last and everyone in them will die. This is also part of her motivation for trying to destroy the communities, so that her followers don’t start to realize that they can live like normal people in large, static communities and then try to leave her/revolt.
