I apologize

... for all the times I defended this show. I was too willing to forgive small things but the little things have become big things. Not sure if it's network interference or if the writers and showrunner have just become lazy but the writing has become stupid and utterly ridiculous. Survivors should be getting better at the zombie apocalypse, but our heroes have gotten worse. Maggie gets half the Hilltop killed with her moronic plan and some idiot comes up after and tells her she's a good leader. Then she puts wounded in the same house with everyone else, no guards, everyone goes to sleep and zombies wander around the house biting people for half an hour before anyone notices. Dumb. No one closes doors behind them. Saviors hole up in a building with holes in the walls. Saviors open the gate for a car before identifying who is inside. Negan magically gets a gun and flare while tied down. Trash woman lets him go. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


It's ok...doesn't matter when you see the light, as long as you see it eventually.
