Carol & Dyrl

Can anyone pls explain to me what kind of relationship carol and dyrl has?! Is it like mother-son, sister-brother, or they secretly love each other i mean girlfriend/boyfriend like, or just "family" like love which brought the TWD originals stick together since the first season?? In the midseason finale we saw how rick and dyrl hug each other. it make sense that they are how much means "brother" to each other after all the things going through. But about carol-dyrl relation i can't work it out the definition of it, although they have one of the most emotionaly attached relation in TWD. Pls enlighten me brotherzz....


Daryl is definitely asexual. Remember he could have had his way with Beth but turned her down.


Asexual!!?? What kind of sex genre is it?? Would you please tell me? and i'm agree with u about Beth-Dryl. It was seems like that but end up just like brother-sis relation, lol!


Asexual is not sexually attracted to any sex, I believe :-)


Exactly, thought that does not mean they can't fall in love and have romantic relationships. They just do not feel sexual desire.


I think it's familial BUT it would only take a push in someone's direction to change that. I don't think Daryl is asexual. I think he is very sexual, but is fearful to react on it.




I don't want Daryl and Carol to get into a romantic relationship.. I'm not a fan of her anyway but I like the way that they've got a bond which is beyond romance. They were both abused/manipulated/belittled before (Carol by her husband and Daryl by his brother) and they see each other for their own strengths and worth.. I think they're like brother and sister and that a romance would ruin it.

As for him not 'taking his chance with Beth'.. perhaps he just didn't fancy her, she is quite a bit younger than him and maybe just not his type?


I am afraid not even the writers know at this point. I am inclined to define what they have as a platonic romance myself and pretty much agree with the above poster in regards to Daryl's sexuality (or lack thereof) but, then again, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they get intimate further along the road. It could go either way.

Whatever they are, though, it's clear to me they are each other "person".




I, personally, want them to have a romantic relationship, but I think they are just good friends for now :-)
