MovieChat Forums > Aquaman (2018) Discussion > TIME TO EAT CROW (again)


Wouldn't you know? I was CONVINCED Aquaman would be a disaster but it has become super successful. I thought the first Ant Man would bomb big time but again I was wrong. I wonder if McDonald's serves crow burgers.


I thought Guardians would flop, Ant-Man would flop, this would flop....and I thought BvS and JL were surefire hits.

You just can’t predict.


That only shows character.

I was very sceptical too. A plausibel underwater storyline has never been done sucessfully in life action before.

They did it by creating some of the greatest cinematograohy and world building in the last decades.

I am myself surprised at the enormous commercial success. They achieved the impossible.

It's close to a second WonderWoman - which was the most profitable CBM 2017 and the best reviewed CMB ever last year and won a lot of awards like CriticsChoice&Hugo (the Oscar went to SuicideSquad not WW).

DC can be hit and miss, but they are hardly mediocre.
