MovieChat Forums > Doragon Bôru Sûpâ Sûpâ Hîrô (2022) Discussion > Movie was alright, but it did remind me ...

Movie was alright, but it did remind me what I LOVED about Dragon Ball Z

The fact they focused this movie on Piccolo made them actually think about who Piccolo was.

The coolest sensei any warrior could ask for. Especially the english dub made Piccolo sound like such a wise dude.

The original Z fighters were the best cast of super heroes with their own lives and personalities.

Goku - happy glutton who is lighthearted at all times
(specialty: Kamehameha)

Piccolo - Wise sensei who teaches the others about their focus and strenghts
(specialty: Special beam cannon)

Yamcha - The wisecracking athlete who is the most human of the group
(specialty: Wolf-fang Fist)

Krillin - The funniest friend with deep feelings about situations
(specialty:Destructo Disk)

Gohan - The innocent kind one with that special potential
(specialty: Masenko)

Future Trunks - The coolest killer you’ll ever meet
(specialty: Burning attack/ Sword-fighting)

Tien - A surprisingly strong warrior who keeps calm/steadfast in the toughest of fights
(specialty: Solar flare)

Chiaotzu: A cute warrior who has a special love for Tien
(specialty: Self destruct)

Vegeta: The royal brat who seeks power in a surprisingly casual manner ever since he lives on Earth
(specialty: Galick gun)

The guys fit perfectly with eachother. Most of them if not all of them were real kindhearted souls who didn’t mind solving problems with eachother.

Yamcha and Krillin were the ones they could stories with involving love and money. The others could react to them with their actual personality they had back then, (Piccolo being wise, Gohan & Trunks being innocent, Goku being goofy, Vegeta being a rear-end in a top hat)

I wish the studio would just erase everything after the Cell Saga and keep making stories with the original Z-fighters. They were actually interesting.


I was supremely disappointed. Was hoping Max Cell would absorb both Gamma 1 and 2 after Gamma 2 strikes through his head before exploding. He'd reconstruct his cells, absorb the 2 when they least expect it (sorta playing on the old Cell Saga) then become Perfect Max Cell/Max Perfect Cell. That final perfect form would then kill Orange Piccolo before it triggers Gohan's Beast mode to defeat the perfect form he once did so long ago completing the circle and Cell Saga once and for all (for good). The way they ended it with Max Cell already partially damaged not only limits Gohan Beast showing off more, it also limited showing off his Beast form entirely. It was so brief and I was so excited to see what it could do ultimately leaving me feeling disappointed in the movie. The only one sayin transformation happened with Gohan as well, no one else bothered or was lets say, too fat (Gotenks).


Funny because this movie reminded me why I "MISS" Z over Super. I could make a list but the main points being there was no real urgency and power-ups were, "given" more than earned here. I'm also not one for the dumb comedy for the sake of.


Agreed. It was a good movie, but watching it really reminded me why I liked Dragon Ball Z so much growing up.
