Sequel ideas

I assume they will make a 5th film. What do you think the subject will be? My guess would be something about freedom of religion and how local, state and federal governments exercise power over churches in recent years even though there is a separation of church and state in the United States. Maybe Rev. Dave is forced to shut down his church because of the movie’s interpretation of the pandemic and he goes to court to fight for his congregation’s right to gather and believe.


I love and dont mind the God's not dead movies even though they do get a little silly and over the top where politicians end up looking the cartoonish type bad guys who are against religion etc.

I wouldnt be surprised if David AR White is or has already worked on a God's Not dead 5.

I was surprised to learn about God's Not dead 4 while browsing Walmart online last month.


they just did a fifth God's Not Dead last year in 2023 but it got delayed due to the stupid strikes. the movie comes out in theaters etc sometime this year.
