I enjoyed this a lot

Its quite realistic. Its not the regular rom com we're all used to. Instead it brings to the surface a lot of layers and explores them in depth.
I loved Andrew, he is sweet as can be. Personally I used to be like that in my 20s too. Its an inocence and an openness about him that reminds me we can be better, all of us, with eachother. If there's anything to keep as a memento from this movie its that: to strive to be the best version of ourselves and not put up walls because of past hurt.


This one seemed to slip by my radar from 2022 list. But I found it rather sweet without been wince inducing and as you said it's quite realistic.

Cooper Raif is one to keep a eye on going forward. To be a strong director/writer and actor too is pretty damn impressive. Andrew is one of more likeable lead characters I've seen in a rom-com in a long while. I think Cooper Raif has a career as a likeable everyday leading man type if he so wishes. Dakota Johnson and Raif have more chemistry then her and Dornan had in those awful Fifty Shades films. She's great in this too and you can see why her character Domino would be charmed by Andrew. I like that she does these type of more indie films and shows she's a good actress. I'm sure that Fifty Shades money makes it easier for her to do whatever she wants.

Also nice to see Leslie Mann away from her husbands films and given a nice role as Andrew's bipolar mum. I also like how he dealt with Vanessa Burghardt as Lola, the daugther of Domino who has Austism. It's not made a massive deal of and she's presented as a normal character and not about her condition. I also loved Evan Assante as David, Andrew's little brother. I liked that he wasn't presented as stereotypical annoying bratish brother. But someone who looks up to Andrew and Andrew likes talking to him and helping him out. Odeya Rush from Ladybird and Goosebumps fame plays Macy, a friend of Andrew who he sleeps with once but who brush it off and stay close friends. Isn't giving much to do in the film, but she's likeable.

I was kind of hoping Andrew end up with Domino. But I think the ending was the right one, a ballsy one to be fair. I actually thought Andrew was older then 22 years old. But he's kind of dimissed by all the women in this film, Domino doesn't want him in the end, Macy regrets sleeping with him and his gilfriend Maya ends up with someone else. But he gets a happy ending somewhat.


I didn't get the feeling that Domino didn't want him. I got the feeling that she knew the life she had, she knew the life she would bring Andrew into and chose not to. She was the one who was "tangled" - her word. She didnt want to get a 20 year old stuck in her own tangle. Because she also knew he would stay stuck there for them. From my perspective I see this as love going both ways.


Sweet little movie, I liked it much more than I expected and both leads had such great chemistry.
