Waste of time.

there really was no clear story besides the life of su. it went from a non logical martial arts film (poison martial arts style and metal plates sewn to chest) to a i guess more logical ending (wrestlers boxing). obviously if one fighter can inflict poison and kill instantly, there is no way in hell foreign brute wrestlers should survive at all. 2 film possibilities put into 1. its like mashing up half of dragon tiger gate then end it with ip man. the only thing that flowed was watching su live his life. nothing at all flowed. the fighting was awsum, but without a clear story and reason behind the fighting, it was pointless and i felt blank headed watching such great action. normaly when your "brother" kills your father, you would ask why and then build some kind of vengence but in this film, he just heard his father died, found the venom fist guy, and immediatly tried to kill him but of course not winning without going through his "rocky" training moment to gain the upper hand. i watched this after watching ong bak 2 and both were equally horrible. so horrible i posted a message on both movies.

OH and also i almost forgot to mention the cgi!!!!! IT WAS EMBARISING! it would have looked better with pure editing! the cgi in this film was like watching the xmen wolverine film that was pirated before the cgi was fixed! so glitchy and shaky. veryyyy bad....



^ Yeah, fighting stuff sounds good, but the third act gets majorly dinged in this review, too! Big time... sounds like it was a too-weird mash-up of styles/elements.


It was fine. Movies are never a waste of time when they have good action. If you're watching this and complaining about story..go read shakespeare or something.


I can't say it was a good movie, but it was entertaining. The action was top notch but the story and plot was all over the place, and some of the dialog was cringeworthy imo. The only good actors I'd say were Zhou Xun, who is a very strong actress, and Michelle Yeoh; plus the bad guy was pretty bad ass. At the end of the day, people go see these movies for the fight scenes, but it'd be nice if it had a decent story as well.


Agreed. Total crap story. I enjoyed the action but even so the story just killed the whole thing for me. It was trying to be too many things at once.

u mad cuz im stylin on u


it was watchable.

I give it a 5


Judging from the replies it seems that like myself, most people disagree with your assessment of this film. While the CGI was not spectacular it was most likely meant to be that way because most of the scenes that used it were when Su was hallucinating.


I Netflixed this last night and gave it a 5 rating. The fight scenes were great but really repetitive to me. I kept wondering why none of them switched up the technique and went for a surprise move like going for the legs: they kept trying to drop one another with punches to the chest. And I agree that taking on the white wrestlers should've been no sweat given all of the inherent knowledge of where to apply force to sensitive pressure points around the body that comes with learning martial arts.

And although I did appreciate the idea that you have to believe in a world others can't "see" and therefore understand but given his training to be unlike the mundane of the world I struggled with him not reverting to that Source - those special Beings - sooner after his wife died. I guess the film didn't allow me to understand how it is Su ended up becoming a legend.


Yeah it started off well but the bad guy with his weird purple costume and makeup and metal plates and poison magic hands was like a live action version of a bad video game character. The ending was a bit out of place but was cool on its own. The cartoonish bad guy just wrecked it for me.
