Waste of time.

there really was no clear story besides the life of su. it went from a non logical martial arts film (poison martial arts style and metal plates sewn to chest) to a i guess more logical ending (wrestlers boxing). obviously if one fighter can inflict poison and kill instantly, there is no way in hell foreign brute wrestlers should survive at all. 2 film possibilities put into 1. its like mashing up half of dragon tiger gate then end it with ip man. the only thing that flowed was watching su live his life. nothing at all flowed. the fighting was awsum, but without a clear story and reason behind the fighting, it was pointless and i felt blank headed watching such great action. normaly when your "brother" kills your father, you would ask why and then build some kind of vengence but in this film, he just heard his father died, found the venom fist guy, and immediatly tried to kill him but of course not winning without going through his "rocky" training moment to gain the upper hand. i watched this after watching ong bak 2 and both were equally horrible. so horrible i posted a message on both movies.

OH and also i almost forgot to mention the cgi!!!!! IT WAS EMBARISING! it would have looked better with pure editing! the cgi in this film was like watching the xmen wolverine film that was pirated before the cgi was fixed! so glitchy and shaky. veryyyy bad....


Have to disagree. I know this film has received lots of criticism, but I found it be far from a waste of time. There have been far worse films made then this, and for a Kung Fu movie, it really feels like an old school film which I found really refreshing. It's great to see Yuen Woo Ping directing again, the story was quite meaningful, the fight scenes were great, even the bit with the wrestlers that everyone seems to have a problem with, I enjoyed. By the way, the beggar who fought the wrestlers could not inflict poison, that was the main bad guy.

What "rocky training moment" were you refering to? Didn't Kung Fu movies have training scenes long before Rocky came along? The way these scenes were done were quite original if you watch the film, not wanting to spoil anything.

The CGI scenes were not too bad, as the majority of them were during 'imagined' moments. Plus for a Hong Kong movie, not having a huge budget, I think they did well.

Of course it had some flaws. But I suggest people to see it and judge for themselves. It's too easy to write off a movie as 'a waste of time'.


This was one of the best movies of its type that I have seen since IP Man.


I agree. I liked the main actors (in other movies) but this movie was awful. The action was okay, but there was no character development. The kid would not stfu either. This has to be the worst martial arts movie I've seen.


Crazy! This is one of the BEST martial art films I've seen in recent years. The people I saw it with agreed with me too. Sure it has flaws, but 'The Worst Martial Arts Movie I have Ever Seen??' Don't think you can have watched too many Sir.

Can't understand all the people hating on this movie...

Adrian: Why do you wanna fight?
Rocky: Because I can't sing or dance.


I agree with you.


Whatever.I think as martial arts movies go this is one of the best I have ever seen;its an instant cult classic.


I agree that there was a lot of CGI in this film that you could tell was really fake. However, there remains some facts:

1. Zhao Wenzhuo (who plays the main character Su Can) is a real martial martial artist, who won the national wushu championships as a junior, similar to Jet Li (according to http://zh.wikipedia.org). I have seen him in many other films without CGI where he is indeed very good. In this movie, while there was some unnecessary CGI to simulate dagger throwing and Qinggong(light body skill), the essence of drunken boxing was conveyed in the fights, such as the unpredictability and the flexibility of the style, and using all body parts as weapons, and how it may be more advantageous against western styles of fighting which uses brute force.

2. This film was more than JUST a martial arts film, it is also a love story. Zhou Xun's character Yuan Ying, the wife of Su Can, is a great actress because she has come across as being in love with Su Can the whole way through. I also thought the young actor who plays the son of Su Can did a great job.

I would recommend this film, not for just the martial arts, but for a great emotional ride.


This movie was below par for a Yuen Woo Ping work. I guess I shouldn't have expected more, but here are my issues:

1. Weird 3-part structure. The movie should just have ended when Zhou Xun bit the dust. The rest could have been told in flashback.

2. The villain was more compelling than the protagonist. I'm not familiar with both actors, so I don't know whether this was because of the writing or due to their acting abilities.

3. The style of the movie felt dated, like it was stuck in 1978.

The only saving grace was Zhou Xun. She shines in this, as she did in Painted Skin and Confucius.


Evolution takes no prisoners.


Well stated.



@ azn xquisit- This movie is fantastic for a Hong Kong budget movie. Your spelling on the other hand, is "Embarrassing". =)


3. The style of the movie felt dated, like it was stuck in 1978.

are you guys serious? Of course it was stuck in the age of older Martial Arts films come on this stuff is all about bringing Back WuXia and all the crazy *beep* in the old movies. Don't take it seriously it's martial arts fantasy but that is what makes the action in this movie amazing.


You tell 'em.


Each to his own guy ... I loved this movie.I will be watching it again this week.


I'm going to say that it was a waste of time as well. Although there is one thing I discovered. Although the storyline was solid, and perhaps the script was more solid then the direction the film was taken in, because it took my boyfriend and I an hour after the film to connect plotlines up, amongst the cinematic mixed signals.

I came to the conclusion that like books, movies like this should have editors that go over the film and say whether things connect and whether they don't. Because they failed to tie in the 3 different segments, because by the time something new is happening you start forgetting the motive they had in the first place. Because of this it was hard to empathise with the characters, and what they were doing (not to mention it took less than 20minutes for his wife to die when she wasn't even buried that well, really her grave was so close to surface and the coffin was so big at most she would of fallen asleep or gone unconscious) So the only thing I can conclude at this point was that we are meant to feel bad for him fighting instead of trying to save his wife, unfortunality it's not like she really died at all, so his reasoning in the last segment just became confusing and irritating.

The conclusion we came to is that after the main character gave his sword away he was slowly drifting into madness because he went home to have a family then fight for his country. Because he didn't take that position, he puts his own family in danger. Second, for the first time in his life he actually losses a fight. He loses faith in his wife. There is no kung fu movie I've seen where the dude fights himself and reaches enlightment, seeing people? That is just straight up madness, his fighting style would of been more chaotic and less understandable and less choreographed because there really was no outside inspiration to show him a better way of fighting.

The little boy really had no role except the role of his consciousness of everybody else and what they should of being doing. The kid had no personality, and I'm pretty sure is uncle should of killed him, or least trained him to kill his own father, at least the boy would of had some motive rather than crying and yelling at his parents, because he clearly couldn't handle change.

Point being none of it was real, all the 3D backed up the idea that we were slowly being sucked into his maddening mind because he didn't uphold his honour in finishing the campaign. Because I can try and make sense of this film, and when I think about it I ‘think’ I can tie up how the characters related to each other. But the movie gave no directional explanation for any of it, it met anti-climax after anti-climax. Whilst it's all good to say there was good fighting. Who cares? It went for two hours too long and the story was disjointed that I'm still not even sure what I watched.


I cant believe I wasted almost 2 hours on this garbage.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



