MovieChat Forums > Prisoners (2013) Discussion > Call me a jerk but this film is...

Call me a jerk but this film is...

...the perfect one for figuring out if people are idiots or smart when it comes to films.

This is not a good film. If you think it is, I could explain to you for 30 minutes why it is not. But since you thought it was, you'll likely not understand my go ahead and continue to think it's a good film. Hell a great film. Just know deep down that you're actually a pretty stupid person and have no business commenting on films.

370,000 people on IMDB gave this an average rating of 8.1.

What a joke. It's a 6.2 at best.


Lol you're an idiot


I wouldn't even give it 6.2. The movie was so flawed, it was risible. Why was there only the one dogged cop on the trail? Why not a whole SWAT team? Did the cop ever interview the old lady soon after Alex smashed the van into the tree? And later, when the cop suspected something at the old lady's house, did he call for backup? Of course he didn't! Utterly ludicrous, the whole plot. As for the snakes, how were they supposed to survive in those padlocked boxes?


to OP what makes you think you are an authority on what is or isn't a good movie? you could actually be a stupid person and maybe not realize it. it is possible, just sayin'. it is something to think about...


The great thing about film is you are allowed to have your own *beep* opinion about wether it is good or not.


Yup, you're a jerk.


i didn't really like it because i had a hard time connecting with the characters

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Either you are a troll or a huge douche.

If you want to have a legitimate conversation don't act superior and insult the intelligence of everyone else right off the bat.


I think he prefers the term "jerk" ;)


How exactly did you come to something as ridiculously specific as 6.2.
