MovieChat Forums > Prisoners (2013) Discussion > Call me a jerk but this film is...

Call me a jerk but this film is...

...the perfect one for figuring out if people are idiots or smart when it comes to films.

This is not a good film. If you think it is, I could explain to you for 30 minutes why it is not. But since you thought it was, you'll likely not understand my go ahead and continue to think it's a good film. Hell a great film. Just know deep down that you're actually a pretty stupid person and have no business commenting on films.

370,000 people on IMDB gave this an average rating of 8.1.

What a joke. It's a 6.2 at best.


That's what I call arrogance and megalomania. You do you think you are, the overlord of movie taste?
Get a *beep* clue.


I liked this film and to address your initial comments; these things are subjective and there is no right or wrong when it comes to the arts.


I don't call you a jerk for not liking this film but I call you a jerk because you can't understand different people have different taste!


You're a jerk. 



Did you even see the movie?

The movie may not have perfect CSI/Criminal Minds-type plot development and solutions -- but it certainly made people think! It is a psychological thriller and the more unanswered some questions are, the more people who have enjoyed watching it think about all the possibilities. It is a also a great character study movie - nobody was perfect ... but their personas gave us very good insights on human behavior! The issue of morality is also raised ( re Keller's torture tendencies...yet no one raised the issue about Loki provoking the suicide of a suspect that he pursued?)... A movie that encourages active and deep discussions long after after it has been released certainly has done well in imparting its cinematic intent!


..the perfect one for figuring out if people are idiots or smart when it comes to films.

This is not a good film. If you think it is, I could explain to you for 30 minutes why it is not. But since you thought it was, you'll likely not understand my go ahead and continue to think it's a good film. Hell a great film. Just know deep down that you're actually a pretty stupid person and have no business commenting on films.

370,000 people on IMDB gave this an average rating of 8.1.

What a joke. It's a 6.2 at best.

I hated it - I just finished watching it, but wanted to cut through about half-way though and just go to the end. One of the worst OVERRATED movies there is out there. I rated it a 1 on IMDB.

I hated how all the painful and extremely slow build-up, led to such a MASSIVE disspointment of an ending - I mean why make the audience suffer for 2,5 hrs for such a crap ending? I expected there to be such a bigger mysteru surrounding the kidnappings - not have Alexe's mother hold them up.

Too many crap plotholes:

- Why wasn't this Alexe's aunt investiagted earliler on in the film? ie. her house should have been searched.

- Who was this Taylor character and what was his connection to everything?

Anyway what a boring 2,5 hrs I spent on watching this nightmare of a movie. There are countless others which are WAY better and deserve this rating of 8.1 ie.

- In Bruge,
- 2 Days in a Valley,
- Match Point,
- Lucky Number Slevin - one of my top 5 favourites
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
- Drive - one of my top 10 favourites
- The Virgin Suicides - very powerful indie movie and one of my favourites

Anyway I can name a few more whihc are WAY better then this piece of crap. I wish I could take back my 2.5 hrs.


"I gave it a 1"

You are the reason this website has become unreliable. This is also better than the entire list you mentioned, some of which are good, others of which are just ok. 1... You're absolutely ridiculous


I gave it a 5,and found it complicated,too violent and boring.


