MovieChat Forums > And Just Like That... (2021) Discussion > Wow season 2 has exceeded season 1.

Wow season 2 has exceeded season 1.

In being completely disgusting.

This show couldn’t make the act of sex more repulsive and putrid if it tried.

We get to see Miranda going down on her nasty gfs box. Boy that’s becoming.

We get to hear Carrie discussing vaginal odor. But the sex columnist finds saying the word vagina uncomfortable. A sex therapist lol!

There are now what feels like 17 main characters making the characters difficult to follow and totally uninteresting.

The show isn’t funny. It’s not relatable at all. Discussing the met gala in NY as though it’s a household name.

Charlotte discusses her husband having Epstein-Barre as a kid. This is a form of herpes. How’s a kid get that? A virus which no one had ever heard of until the Covid “vaccine” made case numbers explode. Apparently they’re trying to make it seem like it’s always been common. It hasn’t.

This show is truly bizarre. A real shame as Sex and the City although not the best example, was funny and inspiring to a whole generation.


Yes, odd that Carrie was uncomfortable with doing a commercial for a vaginal cream.

Not sure of Epstein-Barre never being heard of until the "vaccine."

How common is Epstein-Barr virus?
Epstein-Barr virus is very common. In the U.S, an estimated 50% of all children up to 5 years of age and about 95% of adults experience an EBV infection in their lifetime.

How do you get Epstein-Barr virus?
Epstein-Barr virus is contagious and easily spreads through saliva (spit). You can get EBV by sharing items that make contact with an infected person’s saliva. Most people get EBV by drinking from the same glass or kissing someone with the virus.

Children diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus either don’t show symptoms or their symptoms are similar to short-term illnesses like a cold or the flu. Teenagers or adults who get the virus may show symptoms between two to four weeks, but symptoms could linger for months, especially fatigue.


Just speaking from my personal experience. I’ve heard of Bell’s palsy. Strokes. Never heard “Epstein-barre” til a few years ago when Bieber got it. Rumors that Newsom got it. Rumors that Katy Perry got it. All after their 27 jabs. The number of EB have exploded since the so-called “vaccine”.

Now they choose that as something Charolettes husband had as a kid?

These things don’t happy by accident. Especially on a show that is rife with political agendas.


Yeah, it's not surprising that a conservative would ignore science and make decisions based on personal experience. Vaccine has a clear meaning and there is no need for quotation marks. There are a lot of diseases that you've probably never heard of. There are lots of sex acts that people do and they don't think it's gross. Anyone who has heard of SATC has heard of the Met Gala. I feel kind of sorry for you that you are so intolerant and sheltered.


The textbook definition of vaccine was - creates immunity. They had to change it 2021. It was funny watching it happen.

You should probably familiarize yourself with the scientific method before you weigh in on issues you clearly have no knowledge of.

Then again being a leftwinger, familiarizing yourself with issues you have opinions on is foreign to you. It’s part of being a Democrat lemming. Don’t worry, your nightly spoon feeding will begin shortly.
