Wayyy overrated

I've been hearing the acclaim this film has gotten and as a film lover I've been looking forward to seeing it. So I did, just now, and here's my quick review for what it's worth...

My immediate reaction- great cinematography and sound design, decent acting, interesting pacing and editing. A solid exercise in visual storytelling.

Also- pretentious, pointless, tedious, self indulgent bull$__t. Not funny, not shocking, not anything. Just an hour and a half of my life that I won't get back. I've read the arguments for allegory, and satire and I don't buy it. It's not that I don't "get it", I just don't buy it. Cinematic masturbation at it's finest.

“Everything government touches turns to crap.” -Ringo Starr


I actually just feel sorry for you. In future don;t attempt movies or books that are above your intellect



This is either my 2nd or my 3rd post on IMDb and I 've had this account for more than 7 years. This is how much I hate, not the movie (which I do hate, don't get me wrong), but the praise it received.

For those who claim this was art... please, enlighten me...

All I got after (accidentally) watching this, is that he decided one day to do it! and started writing down literally any idiotic thing that got him excited. "Ohh, I 'll have them barking, to portray the inner complexities of the captivated post-modern materialistic essence of the primordial self, depicted in anachronistic adolescent self-cognition" - yes, .. no sense.. like this movie :) -

If they were meowing how much of a difference would it make? Everything felt RANDOM.You could alter half of it and you would still get pretty much the SAME movie. Which is fine by me.. I would never judge the dude for going out there and doing his thing. Kudos! I don't even know his background, maybe it was his 1st attempt or something. Huge Kudos! if that's the case :)

What I don't get is all the prestigious ..whoever(s) out there, who supposedly know what they 're talking about, for claiming this was good. That's the thing, it wasn't even MILDLY good... it was boring and amateur and NO art was found anywhere near this production. And YES it tried (TOO) hard, but it lacked DEPTH as well.

The fact that this was actually.. praised.. or considered VERY good(???? :o) is just scary... :( makes you wanna bark.. ko ko ko ko ko ko - arrested development reference, muahaha ;)

P.S. the acting was painful. Maybe more for those of us who understand Greek...


Why is it when someone makes an art movie, some people call it pretentious? They don't even use the word pretentious correctly. I saw the movie twice and liked it much more the second time around. I thought the acting was quite good, btw.


I truly believe that the point the film was trying to make concerning the ease at which those in power can control the minds of the less intellectual and simply naive, is clearly proven by the comments from those who describe the film as "pretentious" or lacking substance.

Carpe Cine


You are so out of your depth. Is it curious to you that this review is the exact same as every other moron who posts about a movie their mind is not capable of tackling? It's funny to me. This is the most common post on the internet.


Well it's a 7.2 now.

I feel that is a fitting rating for it. So no I don't think it's overrated.

Interstellar is overrated.



I just watched this movie and feel cheated. I found amusement in the behavioral interactions, but the story itself was unfinished, which is why I feel cheated out of my time. Especially since this movie has a 7.3 IMDB rating. It should be a 3.3 rating.


Count me in. Such an interesting concept, such an abject failure of execution. I gave it a 3.

"What are you lookin' at? You're butt-ugly, I didn't say anything!"

