Wayyy overrated

I've been hearing the acclaim this film has gotten and as a film lover I've been looking forward to seeing it. So I did, just now, and here's my quick review for what it's worth...

My immediate reaction- great cinematography and sound design, decent acting, interesting pacing and editing. A solid exercise in visual storytelling.

Also- pretentious, pointless, tedious, self indulgent bull$__t. Not funny, not shocking, not anything. Just an hour and a half of my life that I won't get back. I've read the arguments for allegory, and satire and I don't buy it. It's not that I don't "get it", I just don't buy it. Cinematic masturbation at it's finest.

“Everything government touches turns to crap.” -Ringo Starr


This film can best be described as trite and unique in an incredibly boring way.

The weird family plot has been done over and over again. So, when I read the plot description for this film and heard that the film was nominated for an Oscar, I assumed that their must be something beyond the weird family plot that makes this movie really awesome. I was wrong. There is no real story line, no amazing cinematography, no mind-blowing dialog....even the setting for the film wasn't all that special. It made me stop and think but, try as I might, I was unable to actually take anything away after seeing this film. Maybe I'm not " delusional a.k.a. "artsy" enough to understand it....


Your reaction is relative to your expectations... your own fault.

We've met before, haven't we?


I've just watched it, and, while it didn't go far enough, or really do enough with all its fragments of concept, it evoked a response. And that's what art is supposed to do, right? On a base level I found it distressingly sad, and that was further emphasised by the very lack of meaning and motivation of the parents. Perhaps exploration would have diluted that.
It's very subjective, but what I'm saying is the impression it drew was effective, and probably more so than if this same film had coloured in the brushstrokes and connected more of the dots it left for us to dwell upon.
Performance wise the 'children' (who were basically adult actors!) were very bland but I think this was intentional, and was in keeping with the way they had been manipulated to misunderstand so many things about life. As with the words, it isn't necessary about the core goal of that mis-education, but rather the power behind that level of manipulation, and the impression of cruelty it gives.
The disparity between parents and children really frightened me, as did the nonchalant attitudes of both parents throughout.

So yeah, overall I believe what you bring to the film and how you choose to interpret its lack of strong definitions, will leave you frustrated or satisfied.


what are you talking about ? it was so funny - i wouldnt call it self indulgent and the tedium is actually pretty important

Leisure Rules


FUNNY? You found this movie funny?


I thought it was hilarious. It's the blackest of black comedies, but a comedy nonetheless.

I'm surprised this film gets so much hate, to be honest. I think it's fantastic.


I laughed a few times but to call this a comedy is a stretch.


I feel the same way.


You make good points, parnoldo. Good, technically, and the plot is interesting, but there's a lot of pretension going on here. While parents can act irrationally, children will eventually (prior to late teens, I would think) call them on their B.S. and not buy into obviously ludicrous arguments. I did think that there were some amusing points throughout, but generally it was self-indulgent.



You don't sound very open-minded to me. You could have phrased your post in the form of a question and learned a lot more.

No, this is not part of my post.


Agree with the OP that it was waaaay overrated.
Academy Award nominee? Film festivals awards winner? I had an overwhelming sense of The Emperor's New Clothes with this one.

It was sooo boring. I constantly wanted it to just hurry up and end. Or for something to happen.
This one goes on my list of Worst Films I Have Ever Seen.
