Wayyy overrated

I've been hearing the acclaim this film has gotten and as a film lover I've been looking forward to seeing it. So I did, just now, and here's my quick review for what it's worth...

My immediate reaction- great cinematography and sound design, decent acting, interesting pacing and editing. A solid exercise in visual storytelling.

Also- pretentious, pointless, tedious, self indulgent bull$__t. Not funny, not shocking, not anything. Just an hour and a half of my life that I won't get back. I've read the arguments for allegory, and satire and I don't buy it. It's not that I don't "get it", I just don't buy it. Cinematic masturbation at it's finest.

“Everything government touches turns to crap.” -Ringo Starr


You got all of what you liked right. But it didn't entertain you because it's an art film.


Well it's true enough that I wasn't entertained. But not because it's an art film, but because it's not a GOOD art film. I was a cinema/photography major in college, I've studied art AND film and been a commercial photographer for twenty years. I've seen some strange a$$ed art films and enjoyed and appreciated most of them(and also forgotten most) I just think this was an over the top self indulgent very well made piece of crap. Just because you can convince people it's art doesn't mean it is. Watch "Exit Through the Gift Shop" Just my opinion.


OP hit the nail on the head. I have nothing against talky/artsy/low budget/indie films but this had no redeeming qualities at all. You pretty much said everything about how I feel about it except that I don't even think the acting was that good. The visual style was copied right from Lars Von Trier so it was hardly original.


Not from Von Trier. From Michael Haneke. More specifically The 7th continent.


Well nailed, that's exactly the film I thought of while watching this.


I was a cinema/photography major in college, I've studied art AND film and been a commercial photographer for twenty years.



So... omfgitsrohit wrote "it didn't entertain you because it's an art film", implying that OP does not understand art films and is therefore incapable of enjoying them. So OP replied with background information to counter omfgitsrohit.

Get it now?


And no one ever lies on the internet to make their *beep* opinions seem more valid.

I am Stephen Spielberg's beard and I hate ET.



Sure he may be claiming false knowledge, but that possibility doesn't make his opinion less valid than the person that suggested he doesn't know what he's talking about as that posters has no more validation than the OP. Indeed that person hasn't even claimed any specific knowledge so to assume they know more than the OP is giving undeserved validity to someone's opinion simply because you share it.

Btw, I came here before watching the film not after so I haven't formed an opinion yet. Perhaps I'll disagree with the OP (I kinda hope so, otherwise I'm wasting my time viewing), but I'm not going to invalidate his opinion because "the internet".

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


>> I was a cinema/photography major in college, I've studied art AND film >>

MAN, every arty or unusual movie has one of these threads. "I'm an art major maaaan, you people are sheep! This is overrated! Blah blah artcakes." Throw in the old "I like other art films!" for street cred.

It would be nice to read something from someone who doesn't care for the film but doesn't act like people who like it are morons or sheep.

I've been on message boards since 1994, maaan! And your post is like, SO 1997!

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


maaan, this was sooo....substantial...or something like that, I forgot the word...maaan. And I love every single word in your post.

Dear Parnoldo, I do believe that you understand the context, but maybe you should think about possibility that movie is not that bad at all (as I do), just not your cup of tea. There's a bunch of movies and books I don't like but I truly believe they have certain quality. Otherwise, you really do sound sooo 1997 ;)




overwhelmingly art movies are made by boring untalented hacks that get by with seemingly confusing *beep* that is just pretty nonsense in place of actual storytelling/filmmaking.

tree of life
I dont know I tend to avoid these types


I'm in complete agreement. I love art film. That's why I watched this film in the first place. But this was pseudo-intellectual masturbation.



I also agree. I am a fan of these indie style art house movies as well, but only when they are entertaining in and of themselves. It's not "artistic" just because you leave the camera on your subject for uncomfortably long, it's boring.

This movie had a lot of interesting concepts and a few interesting scenes, but it did absolutely NOTHING with them. What was the point of any of this? My biggest problem was actually motivations. Why were the parents doing this? Normally in this kind of situation, the parents would either be using the children for sex, or have some crazy religious cult mentality. But you see none of that here. Is that what makes it "interesting", the fact that I have to guess?

The closest it came was when the one daughter asked to lick the father's ear, and you hear his pants unzip for a half a second, indicating, maybe there's some kind of incest. The "protecting them from the world" logic doesn't work, because why would they ever bring ANYONE into the compound, unless they were specifically in on it. I mean Christina, understood the situation apparently, but didn't really seem to care much, she just wanted the money. There's no reason the daughters couldn't have been satisfying the son from the beginning (in a logical scenario).

And then the lies about meanings of words? What does that do other than make it harder for the parents to communicate with their children, since they then have to remember every definition they made up on the spot? Without motivation that just leaves "the parents were crazy", which honestly, is just a little lazy, and not fun to watch.

And then the fact that ALL the characters just gave blank emotionless performances. Sure, it's accurate as to how the kids were supposed to be, but that doesn't make it any less boring to watch them stare at each other for a 10 minute scene.

In the end I only found myself caring about one character "Bruce", because I enjoyed her transformation and discovery, and desire to see the real world. So the movie did succeed on that part, but I feel watching the whole movie was not worth that little bit. This could have been a 30 minute short film just as easily.


My biggest problem was actually motivations.
As was mine.

And then the lies about meanings of words?
Exactly. Why on earth call a salt-shaker a "telephone"? What goal does this further? And how are the parents able to keep track of all this by now, anyway??

And then the fact that ALL the characters just gave blank emotionless performances.
I also thought the acting was poor. Very stilted.

In the end I only found myself caring about one character "Bruce", because I enjoyed her transformation and discovery, and desire to see the real world. So the movie did succeed on that part, but I feel watching the whole movie was not worth that little bit. This could have been a 30 minute short film just as easily.
Yeah, but then have that ending? The moment the movie ended, my immediate question was, "What was even the point of all this?? Why did I watch?"


"And then the fact that ALL the characters just gave blank emotionless performances. Sure, it's accurate as to how the kids were supposed to be, but that doesn't make it any less boring to watch them stare at each other for a 10 minute scene."

This was definitely true. There is restraint, and then there's just a director failing to bring out the subtleties and depths of the characters.


I was looking for this thread now that I have seen the movie.

Dogtooth is totally overrated. I was looking through the back pages of reviews, it's like ten "MIND BLOWING AND INTESE" to every one "BORING, NOTHING HAPPENS" posts. Really? Where all those people really so captivated? Did I watch the same movie?

You all got it right on this thread already. The 'Exit Through The Gift Shop' reference is spot on. I can't figure out why more people don't feel this way? I came to this movie through IMDB and was stoked that it existed. The idea of some parents trapping and brainwashing their kids down to such detail like changing word meanings and explaining airplanes away is awesome. Such a good idea.

There wasn't much of any of that though. It was hard to figure out what was going on in most of the scenes, and when you did understand it was all pretty minor stuff. They had a pretty normal life considering. I thought more would happen, not so much an explanation but at least a climax.

It wasn't very deep...

So I'm glad you all agree.

That being said, it wasn't a bad movie. Just SEVERELY overrated. If people had described it better the let-down wouldn't have been so bad.


Feel the same. Wanted to like it because of it's solid plot and cinematography (copied from Haneke as it was), but I just couldn't. We get the allegory for societal leaderships, but so what? We got that within 10 mins, and then the metaphor went nowhere. If that's all you have going for you, it's time to rethink the 'quality' of the writing.

As you said, not a terrible flick, but very overrated...

"No it's not you, I just don't like having dinner... with people..." - Paul Rudd


I don't think the film overrated .



Well, you got that wrong. It was just pretentious.


"And then the fact that ALL the characters just gave blank emotionless performances."

Ahh, yes, the hipster trademark: forced overly awkward/vacant/emotionless and lifeless, and creepy body language.
Have you ever browsed the web, particularly a photography themed website like tumblr, and saw one of those pointless, awkward photos of a girl/guy posing with their body hunched over all static and lifeless, probably in the middle of a grassy field? (Crystal Castles album cover, for example. Google if must)
Yeah...that's this movie. It took that cliche and ran with it.
It really embraces all of those cliches of making a film that will appeal to hipsters.

I'm all for art films, but there's just a certain vibe that movies like this give me that makes me disgusted with myself. I'd hate to toss the word "hipster" around some more, but that's definitely what/whom the director is trying hard to cater the movie to - and if you take the time to check out some of the movies fans on somewhere like facebook(search "dogtooth"), you'll see a majority of them fall in to the hipster cliche, whether it be on their bio, or their choice of super-cool fashion and thick glasses.
I've never really had the right state of mind or taste to enjoy something like this.
My twin brother seems to enjoy this movie (it's listed under his favorites), and he has watched zero artsy films in his whole life, and only seen this thanks to being bored and picking at random on Netflix...So, perhaps I'll ask him why he enjoyed this, especially since his other favorite movies are blockbuster hits.

"Goodbye Dragon-Inn" was more entertaining than this. Even the 3 minute static shots of empty hallways didn't frustrate me as much. I watched a movie about women in a movie theater watching a movie, and you only see their facial expressions the whole time...That was more bearable than Dogtooth as well.



I'd say it's not a meaningless label. It seems like a pretty valid way to describe anyone pretentious who has really *beep* taste. I imagine most people who like this film, as well as the film makers, are pretentious and have really *beep* taste.


LOL!! Right?!? I wonder if 'a_crow_quilled_threnody' thought this movie was for hipsters? Does it appeal to hipsters? Caters to hipsters? Is it hipster cliche? Hipster? Hipster? Hipsters?
Some people should be forced to eat their keyboards over and over and over...


Really, you thought "Bruce" was "emotionless"? When she slashed her brother? When she attacked him in the pool? When she told him if he attempted to screw her again she would kill him? When she bashed her dogtooth out?

Did you think the father and mother were emotionless at the end?

The characters were supposed to be zombie-like, which made the mention of this term by the security guard that much more ironic. But it was clear by a certain point in the film that Bruce had begun to imagine another way of being, which involved finding inappropriate outlets for her emotions, which to me made the ending all the more tragic.

I don't think the film was overrated. Extremely disturbing, yes. The incest, father's brutality, and the murder of that kitten totally creeped me out. But provocative in a good way. Not anything we'll see from Hollywood anytime soon, either.


Cinematic masturbation at ITS finest. No apostrophe here.

Otherwise, I agree. *beep* waste of time. I got it to watch with a friend who backed out, so he was the lucky one.



I agree-- but only partially, because sometimes a movie seems bad because it IS bad, not because the viewers don't get it. However, a lot of people tend to dismiss a work as pretentious rather than think of valid reasons for liking or disliking it, and that is troubling.

Manuscripts don't burn.



And here is where I jump in as I definitely agree with your remark.

I liked this film. I understand the criticism that it is 'pretentious'.

However, first of all that word is overrated in itself. Second, I feel there is meaning to be had in this film... you've just got to look for it, create your own meaning, which I like doing, if it fits.

Surely all art films should be considered pretentious. Art tends to have an artist and said artist tends to have a vision. The whole point of the film is to create that vision of said artist. They want their films to be seen, to have an impact etc.

To be really clear I'll throw this out there, which you may meet with cruel remarks. Shouldn't we consider the Mona Lisa as a pretentious work of art.

The Mona Lisa smile and the painting in general had just as much meaning to da vinci as some of the shots of this film had to Giorgos Lanthimos.

I suppose it's just how you read into it



This movie got mass acclaim, and sometimes I find that when I hype up a movie that I have to wait months to see by reading all great things about it I am ultimately disappointed (sometimes very much so) with the movie itself, but this was not the case with Dogtooth. I've watched it three times and each time it sucks me in more and more with its quirky charms. Totally love this flick.


Amen to that, Parnoldo. You took the words out of my mouth. Same thing here. I was thinking the exact same thing. It's not that good, and it defenetly didn't deserve all these awards and nominations. And I was also thinking that it's not that I don't get it, I just don't buy it.

And anyone trying to come up with an excuse for this movie, and arguments about its greatness, is just wasting their time. I like art movies, but I don't like this (since its not art in my eyes). I like satire, but I don't like this (because I don't consider it satire).
It's just dull and pointless.

Dream big. Live the life.


Well I guess the filmmaker just wanted to make an absurd film about a family to show us their are people out there like this. And there is.

But AS A FILM on the subject it wasn't executed well. So I agree. The bowling pins were set up, but we only watched the gutterball miss everything.

And that is not say the film's SLOWNESS is responsible. I love high art films, but I wouldn't even call the delivery of this film artistic in the sense, that its just not satisfying when praised so much.


It's a very interesting subject. No doubt about that. Those kind of weird families are out there. But this movie failed big time. Like you said, the pins were set up ;)

Dream big. Live the life.
