Ending felt rushed

Everything designed on sheer stupidity.

-Thrawn tactically sending only just enough forces to pester/harass the would-be heroes but never enough to destroy them outright.
-Morgan letting Sabine and Ezra pass when she was suppose to stall them all to give time for Thrawn's departure. Oh and leaving the door behind her wide open instead of destroying the pad to close the door and disable it.
-Not attaching the Hyperspace Transport Ring while in space but while they're still DOCKED.
-Night Troopers not even bothering to shoot at Sabine or Ezra when they were seen trying to attempt something.
-Ezra somehow escaped Thrawn's grasp via a eta-shuttle without anyone noticing on the scanners.

All the stuff they once did or the other side did but never done again.


Writing your post probably took longer than they spent writing that episode.
