MovieChat Forums > Heart of Stone (2023) Discussion > They lost me at "No relationships, no fr...

They lost me at "No relationships, no friends" (spoilers)

"Because what we do is too important"

Stone got a warning because she was asked on a semi-date/work thing, which she turned down.

So it is an international spy agency of masturbators or eunuchs?

That is more stupid than any of the wacky techs, which were already quite ludicrous. It's like God's eye view which they could see everything (where are the cameras? Phone cameras can't see through doors and buildings, so it can't be those) but just could not warn her the MI6 team she was in was about be ambushed.

And a stun grenade was thrown in long before the attack team even breaching the door, in fact it took like 10 seconds before they breached the door after they threw in the grenade, apparently the grenade was to warn them the attack was coming.

The attackers had enough man power, but did not set up a perimeter around the building, perhaps with snipers? So they could just walk out after they beat the breach team?

The twists followed were as ridiculous as the tech. Apparently the plan was to kill the whole team in case one of them was the charter member reveal him/herself? Unless that person was Stone how would they even know the difference? And the poison and tracker/transmitter was prepared just in case, what if they shot and killed the charter member?

How did they implant a device the size of peanut into her arm without external wound? But she just knew as soon as she woke up. And afterwards they did not treat the wound she cut with a knife, not even a band-aid.

The "heart" was on a airship, which was supposed to be filled with hydrogen, but no airship used hydrogen since 60s, they now use much safer helium. But I guess they had to say hydrogen to not to use guns on it.

The airship was not built to carry crew but they took off oxygen mask right away after entering the airship.

And Keya the hacker, for someone portrayed as so innocent how could she set up the betting on the death count of marine soldiers? For someone who could break into military encrypted network why did she need "the heart" to expose the drug trials of pharmaceutical companies?

They shut all communications including air-supply of "the charter" base, but landline telephone still worked, and they had only an hour of air-supply but did not use that to call for help, but just quietly waiting to die, counting on Stone could single-handedly take back the control of "the heart", that is just silly beyond reason.

Gadot's legs ... I mean smiles can melt my heart, but that looks like just another streaming spy/action movie, not torturing to watch, but that is about it. Though I kind of know that going in.


"and they had only an hour of air-supply but did not use that to call for help,"

I can imagine the conversation "hello? firefighters? Yes, we are a supersecret group that just got locked in a bunker that you have no chance to penetrate in 1H but can you please try?"

The other points stand, and I think there are more ...


They must have other operatives out there, what are the chances everyone except Stone was in that bunker?

Also they must have false pretenses for their operation, otherwise why would they even register a landline? They can't exactly put "The charter international spy agency" on the application form.


"They must have other operatives out there, what are the chances everyone except Stone was in that bunker?"

And what could those operatives do (they should had been in the area as well)? Bring a hammer? If the ones inside couldn't open the doors of course from outside would had been even harder. That's the idea of a bunker.

Also that landline is easy to move from an office above to the basement/bunker.


I don't know if you watched die hard 3, there was an impressive tunneling machine digging through the underground federal reserve vault, like, in no time.

Their operatives just need to get one of those.


So they need to get into DH3 movie and steal that machine? Oook :D


Those are construction equipment, not all that rare.

They are not some non existent spy action gadget bullshit used in the 007 and these newer movies.


And every operative caries one in their back pocket. Yeah, right.

You should focus more on the time, in 1h an operative on the putside had 0 chance to dig though.

But I doubt that space had oxygen for only one hour ...,adult%20is%200.1%20m3.&text=So%20the%20people%20are%20likely,21%20hours%20and%2047%20min.

"Question: How long can 10 healthy adult people survive in a sealed room of dimensions 3m x 4m x 2.5m before they run out of oxygen (i.e. the oxygen concentration drops to 12%)? An adult of average weight consumes about 3.33 10-6 m3 s-1 of oxygen while at rest. The typical volume of an adult is 0.1 m3."

"So the people are likely to have suffocated after 7.8 104 s or 21 hours and 47 min."

That space had enough oxygen for few days.


Yeah, not only that, the underground base is unlikely sealed, only the ventilation system is shut down, air could still going in and out, just slowly, so oxygen is unlikely their worry. Also not everything has to be controlled from computer, it is very likely quite easy to hard-wire the ventilation fans.

If they have food and water down there they could last for weeks.


And every operative caries one in their back pocket.

I am sure an operative can find one and steal it in no time.


One of your best posts on MovieChat. This line is Robin Williams level funny: “So it is an international spy agency of masturbators or eunuchs?”


Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
