Andy Garcia

Loved the movie. Something I can actually recommend to my parents that isn't filled with profanity and filth. I'm just wondering how much Andy Garcia was paid for less than a minute of screen time. Why a known actor to play that part?


Actors do cameos all the time. Probably took less then a day. Not like he's an A-lister anymore...


Yes I found that bizarre to say the least.

Andy f'n Garcia is hired to do that...he may not be an A-lister as somebody mentioned anymore but he is a bona-fide legend, you didn't even need to hire an actor for that part any Joe Public guy who happened to be walking past the studio could have done it...."here mate you got 5 mins spare just stick this suit on will you and walk into that room there and we will film you" is all that needed to be done for that role.


My point exactly.



He has a single line at the end. w.t.f? completely underused talent, and the budget aspect taboot.

---Listen, you smell something?---


They used his image in the trailer too, as if he was supposed to be a major part of the story.


I don't even remember Andy Garcia in the film.....?


He's starting to look more like Jerry Garcia.


I guess that 99% of his role ended on the cutting room floor.
