MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Discussion > would movietchatuser have sex with this ...

would movietchatuser have sex with this film if he could?

ive never seen someone simp so hard for a movie. denying literal facts (claiming LOTR is not a trilogy) to simp for a movie. would he literally have sex with the boxset bluray?


Yes,. Nolantards are snobs


I like alot of Nolan. but this fans a joke


Probably. Prometheus had fans that worshipped it like a deity as well despite its terrible flaws. TDKR is is just as bad, if not worse because of its longer runtime with fanatics totally unable to take any criticism at all.


I dont get this. there are plenty of films I love. LOTR, the matrix 1, district 9. but for me to be a pathetic sycophant like this guy and act like its a flawless masterpiece is just sad
