Xavier or Tyler?

Honestly - they both were miscast and no one is hot enough. Xavier was just annoying. And kept whining all the time.

Tyler was like a cheerful puppy all the time. And when he turned up bad - actor just couldn’t deliver that transition to villain. They should have made him amnesiac and spelled. So that he would not understand what he was doing. Because him being this enthusiastic cheerful puppy all the time and then being secret maniac was not looking believable.

And then they didnt even killed him and left for second season... Why? He is done. I hope they dont do a redemption ark for that maniac.


Tyler is just a cute victim, being usedby a maniiac

Xavier is more believable as a rogue hyde who transforms at will or even somone who would manipulate tyler to get Wednesday to himself


Agreed, would have made more sense to be spelled.

Especially, since they almost certainly WILL do a redemption arc.


Its just weird how they didnt even make him sound remorseful and confused. Like that he was ordered around by Christina Ricci and was vistim. He just proudly declared himself bad guy and then acted like a high school bully and brat from that moment. Being surprised and annoyed that Wednesday was alive since Christina Ricci told him she was dead and called Wednesday cockroach.

They mishandled that character. And should have killed him. I guess they thought he was cute and teenage fans of the show would be upset. So they left him alive. That way they should have make him at least confused like Kylo Ren.

And actor was just bad and miscast. He was fine with playing adorable love interest. But when he had to "show his true face" and play villain - he was just weak and not believable.


Yeah. If they are smart they will sort of retro con that, in the next seeason, and blame it on the mind control.

His first date idea with Wednesday was brilliant. I could not have done better myself. (joke based on pretense that I have tremendous game, lol)
