MovieChat Forums > The White Lotus (2021) Discussion > Could Rachel be PREGNANT???/ MEETING the...


Did anyone else notice the way that SHANE rejects the idea of having children last Sunday ???

And how Rachel also never really explains the reason why she married him when OLIVIA asked her what had motivated her to get married?

I'm also betting Shane has never discussed having kids with RACHEL, who may also automatically assume that having children would be a part of her marriage arrangement (Unless there's also something in the PRE NUP agreement she signed where she agrees not to have any)???

Anyhow, since SHANE also gives one the impression of his being an EMOTIONAL INFANT, perhaps at some point Rachel will also realize the last thing she needs is having 2 INFANTS to raise, and then she'll leave him for that reason?

Because maybe the REAL REASON why she married him in the first place is because she's ALREADY PREGNANT by him and hasn't bothered to tell him yet???

And How do you think he'd take the news if she did tell him???

My bet is he might even be the one to BREAK OFF the relationship with her -- after his insisting that she have an abortion -- and then having her refuse give in to his demand to end the pregnancy.

And perhaps her refusal to give in to him could also lead to the situation where we have those HUMAN REMAINS inside of that COFFIN BOX at the start of the story???



Still another idea is perhaps Shane's mother knows that he doesn't want any children -- so maybe she's HIRED RACHEL -- or offered to pay her something so that she'd get pregnant -- and maybe that's also the reason why Rachel told OLIVIA that she was RUSHED into a relationship with her "persuasive" husband -- when it's actually been his manipulative mother (who wants to be a grandmother) who did the persuading???

Then after his mother shows up at the SPA, maybe she'll also spill the beans about how she paid Rachel to get pregnant, and maybe that's also the reason why we see SHANE without Rachel at the airport???

Because then he'll probably also feel TRAPPED by both his mother and his wife into living the kind of a life that has no interest whatsoever for him???



Can hardly wait to meet RACHEL's MOTHER-in-Law tonight !!!

Is anyone else looking forward to meeting her as much as I am????

Also Found another interesting idea at another message board that suggests instead of being PREGNANT -- RACHEL might end up PREGNANT with "PLENTY of IDEAS" -- and is going to write another ARTICLE about what she's EXPERIENCED on her HONEYMOON -- which will also basically expose how the UPPITY RICH FOLKS have TREATED her.

In other words, it will also be another article like the other one that OLIVIA's mother said had been a HATCHET JOB.

And that's probably also the reason why SHANE is alone at the airport without RACHEL when the story began.

So we'd probably also have OLIVIA exposed as a DRUG ADDICT (which might also end her ability to get the degree that she's suppose to be working on now), and it could also expose the rivalry between SHANE and ARMOND, and how BELINDA was lead to believe that one of the guest was willing to FUND a business for her that she probably also never had any intention of doing, etc.

And most of all, it would also expose how SHANE had mostly married RACHEL for her looks, and had expected her to give up her career for him in order to be there at his beck and call each time that he wanted to have sex with her. Because doesn't his offer to PAY HER DOULBE whatever her boss was paying her also pretty much make her his HIRED PROSTITUTE???

How about "LIFE of the RICH and FAMOUS" for the TITLE of her article???

Since OLIVIA's mother is also suppose to be FAMOUS, that's where the FAME part of it could come into play.

It would also be interesting if RACHEL could expose the conversation that she had with MARK, who said the "SPARK" had gone out of his relationship with his wife, and then explained how horrible it was being married to her.

Including interviews with some of the STAFF members as a way to verify what she was saying about them could also be interesting (especially if ARMOND also explains how he asked MARK if he'd like to find out what having anal sex was like and MARK replied back saying that "He'd take a RAIN CHECK)."



Can hardly wait to meet RACHEL's MOTHER-in-Law tonight !!!

Now that we've MET HER and she's GONE, I'm feeling kinda disappointed that she didn't turn out to be a much more FLAMBOYANT character than the person that we met.

I was hoping we'd meet more of a DRAMA QUEEN type, but it looks like maybe TANYA already has that kind of ROLE, so maybe they kept Shane's mom more subdued for that reason???

Does anyone else feel the same way and wish she'd have been much more BOSSY than the character that we met???


Hmm, but getting married because of pregnancy is more a 1951 not so much a 2021 storyline. I think Rachel is just a boxchecker - get steady boyfriendโœ…, get college degree โœ…, move to big city โœ…, get job โœ…, marry said boyfriend โœ…, wing it from thereโ€ฆ. discover youโ€™ve screwed up


OMG !!! You're probably right about RACHEL and the ideas expressed in the VERY COOL looking CHECK MARKS !!!

How depressing for her ...

Do people really think that way these days???

BUT ....

GUESS WHAT else !!!

OLIVIA and PAULA are also BASED UPON the BOOK that RACHEL is READING -- which is mentioned over in the other BOOK TOPIC -- that also has a LINK to what it's about !!!

And it's about the lives of 2 girls who grow up being in COMPETITION with each other, and with the SON of one of them getting in contact with the other GIRL when his MOTHER goes MISSING.

So perhaps this is a HINT that OLIVIA or PAULA might go MISSING at some point???

Whatever the case may be, the story is definitely HEATING UP in regards to WHO the HUMAN REMAINS could be in that COFFIN BOX at the start of the story !!!

