MovieChat Forums > The White Lotus (2021) Discussion > EPISODE 2: Her company is a part of the ...

EPISODE 2: Her company is a part of the UNRAVELING of the SOCIAL FABRIC

RECAP here:

"New Day," the second installment of the six-episode series, opens on our favorite terrifying 20-somethings Olivia (Sydney Sweeney) and Paula (Brittany O'Grady) reading Nietzsche and Freud in the hotel room, as one does. They soon find a far more exciting pastime. The girls discover that, between the two of them, they've brought a whole pharmacy's worth of drugs, including some ketamine Olivia "totally forgot about."

Did anyone else like the scene where the DAUGHTER points out to her MOTHER how the company that she runs is:

a part of the UNRAVELING of the SOCIAL FABRIC ???

The mother probably should have also challenged the daughter at that point asking her what she does to keep it from UNRAVELING.

And what does ASMR mean ???

When the girls are getting high (smoking the BONG) the daughter also asks her friend if she wants to do whatever this ASMR means.

A search also indicates that it probably has something to do with the KETAMINE DRUG that she has and with the SENSES.

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

>>Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine.


>>Ketamine is a medication primarily used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces dissociative anesthesia, a trance-like state

And that also explains the STRANGE kind of TRIPPY state of mind that they're in when the other woman approaches them while they're on the BEACH telling them about her DEAD MOTHER:

>>Tanya deciding where to dump her beloved mother's ashes with zonked-out Olivia and Paula. "What if she splashes onto the beach? It'd be like littering."

And it's also interesting how the FATHER drops the subject, and doesn't pursue it any further with them, after he sees the BONG sitting there beside them the next morning.

In other words, he doesn't question them further about the bong (after they also lie about it by saying they found it on the BEACH).

And one or both of them could also end up DEAD as a result of using all of the drugs they had, but now we also know the MANAGER of the HOTEL has them and is doing them.

So apparently things on this ISLAND are going to start to "UNRAVEL" now -- because the DRUG STASH of these 2 girls is now in the HANDS of the guy who RUNS and CONTROLS the WHITE LOTUS HOTEL???


PS: When EP. 2 begins, we also see the 2 girls reading 2 books:

The daughter is reading NIETZSCHE.

Her friend is reading FREUD.

Can anyone make out what the TITLE is of those 2 books that they're reading or what they say???



QUINN's relationship with his father

Anyone else find it IRONIC the way he tries to REACH OUT and BOND with his SON -- by forcing him to do things with him that he doesn't want to do (like taking diving lessons) -- yet he does NOTHING at all about forcing his wife to get another ROOM for his son (instead of having him sleep on the floor in the kitchen or in the other room with his sister and her friend where he's also NOT wanted)????

In other words, Not only does the FATHER do NOTHING about the OBVIOUS DRUG USE of his daughter, but he also does NOTHING about the way that his SON is being ABUSED by his MOTHER and his sister.

And His sister's friend making that remark about how "SNITCHES get STITCHES" (if he told his PARENTS about the DRUG ABUSE) was also pretty CREEPY.

Was that a WARNING that his sister and her friend would BEAT HIM to the point where he'd need MEDICAL ATTENTION if he reported what they did???

Could the MOTHER also be using her son as a PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE way to SPY on what her daughter does???

Also NOTE the way she doesn't bother to KNOCK when she enters the room and is then also given a LECTURE by the girls about having INVADED their PRIVACY.

Anyone else have any other thoughts that they'd care to share???


Here's Another wonderful REVIEW/RECAP of EP. 2:

>>There is just so much greatness here:

>>the flippant self-absorption of Olivia and Paula while they worry about getting bored on an all-expenses-paid vacation on a beautiful island and then console each other by pulling out more and more drugs. The aghast look the resort employees share when they see how Shane attacks the breakfast buffet like a man starved rather than what he really is, which is a cheapskate simply trying to eat as much as he can to spite the hotel.


Stray observations

>>This is not the last we see of Armond searching through Olivia and Paula’s backpack drug stash, right? Reminder of what’s in there: weed, Adderall, Ambien, Xanax, Klonopin, and ketamine.

>>A nightmare I never could have expected: the possibilities suggested in the line β€œWho’s her physician, Lena Dunham?”

>>Oh, and another one: β€œWill our clits explode?”


I thought they way he grabbed her foot was weird, too.


Yes, what's up with that??? If she were still a little girl who hadn't started school yet, I could see him doing something like that, but NOT behaving that way to his already grown up daughter who's attending college.

MARK is a very strange guy. What does he do for a living? What do we know about him? Almost NOTHING (other than he had swollen testicles and his father was gay).

Is he a MALE version of RACHEL (a guy who mostly married his wife because she has a lot of money)??? Was he right to warn Rachel that he'd already been there where she's going (when he told her how the SPARK had gone out of the relationship with his wife a long time ago)?

Apparently the SPARK that he had (if he ever had one at all) with his son and daughter also went out as well???

Because neither one of them seems to be very interested in him or in whatever it is that he has to say???



MARK is a very strange guy. What does he do for a living? What do we know about him? Almost NOTHING (other than he had swollen testicles and his father was gay).

Is he a MALE version of RACHEL (a guy who mostly married his wife because she has a lot of money)??? Was he right to warn Rachel that he'd already been there where she's going (when he told her how the SPARK had gone out of the relationship with his wife a long time ago)?

Upon second thought, what's CLEAR is RACHEL would probably NEVER buy SHANE something that would cost $75,000 as a way to try to remain married to him after she got caught CHEATING on him.

And if the SPARK went out of their MARRIAGE -- it also looks like it's BACK again -- now that MARK was willing to protect his wife from the THIEF who stole her jewelry -- and she sees him as being some kind of a MACHO HERO.

But IF RACHEL ever mentions how MARK compared having sex with his wife to eating a BOWL full of WORMS, then maybe the SPARK between them will go back out again???

