MovieChat Forums > Burke & Hare (2011) Discussion > Nothing funny about these two

Nothing funny about these two

I don't know what comic elements they plan to introduce to this story...unless it is a VERY black comedy. It was pretty god awful gruesome what they did to these unsuspecting people. They were two serial killers in actuality and I 'm not sure their crimes should be made light of. I have a good sense of humor and do enjoy dark comedies ( American werewolf...etc) but believe this could end up being the equivalent of something similar to "Ted Bundy...the Musical!" also the victims descendants will not be amused I'm sure.

Thoughts anyone?


I quite agree there is nothing funny about murder or these two!
What next a comedy about the West's, or Mira Hindly and Brady?
And as for the dismal attemp at acting by simple Simon pegg.
Terrible !


True, there is a tragic side to this story, but the humour in this film is quick, sharp, gag driven. The crimes are brutal, I agree and are not shown too detailed.

It is more a comedy of errors rather than a comedy. The way that Burke was pressured into the murders, the juxtaposition of the Solicitor General and the doctor that used their services being one and the same.

The other murderers you mention cannot in anyway be seen in a humourous light. However, you cannot say that any war is funny, however, some brief episodes of humour arrive in every one. If not on the front line, then caused by the Brass at the back!

“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” - Bill Cosby.


You're officially a better person by not approving of a dark comedy. Cheers.

"Ah, ya's fancy pants, alla ya's"
"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."


Too soon?

Do Ditko inks make my hips look fat?


Oh I dunno, p'rhaps there're some folks who brag about being descended or at least related to someone that was Burked.
I bet you weren't amused by Sweeny Todd either.
' Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.'-Marx


I totally agree. Nothing at all "funny" about a couple of serial killers who actually existed. I could see, however, some added "black humor" in the vein of James Whale & how "The Bride of Frankenstein" came to be.

Actually, I've written my own screenplay about "Burke & Hare" that has some of that same black humor in the tradition of Whale but it doesn't make light of the seriousness of the killings & also exposes the doubt standard of the time where Burke & Hare are held criminally responsible yet the receiver of those bodies, the historical Dr. Knox, who created the demand, is literally "let off" without any prosecution.

In my screenplay, & during my research, I found the lyrics to a popular broadside of the time that "celebrates" these events with mention of the parties involved.

NOW, all I need is an agent who's willing to take 20 minutes to glance over my script.


Seriously, these guys murdered children. What they really deserve is to be forgotten for all time, not constantly treated like fodder for comedies.


DEATH = NOT FUNNY? What else to do? Win?
..look up.. gallows humor.
