Not even theoretically feasible...

No matter how intelligent that ape became, and I mean you could replace it's brain with a computer, it wouldn't be able to speak. One theory as to why human evolved to a more advanced species away from other primates is the development of our larynx. Why do you think that [even exceptionally intelligent] gorillas have to be taught sign language to communicate with humans? Their tongues and larynx's don't work in accordance enough to produce complex sounds, and that's a fact of their anatomy, not intelligence.

Secondly, since the apes and homo sapiens are in the same biological order, how is it that the virus destroys the homo sapiens body (by presumably attacking the nervous or respiratory system), but when the primates inhale it, their brain power is increased?


I beleive the "virus" is based on the spread of HIV. HIV exist in apes, but the symptoms are almosy nonexistent and similar to having a mildcold. HIV is a zoonotic virus, like rabies. HIV spread because when research on apes became more commonplace, along with the rising popularity of circuses and zoos, trappers would catch the apes and get bit a lot of times. Those trappers would sleep with prostitutes and spread the disease. The virus came to the USA through travelers and "Patient Zero" was a pilot just like Caesar's neighbor next door. The virus thing could actually happen, but it would be contained way before it wiped out human kind.

The voice box part: it's pure science fiction :)


Um no SIV supposedly turned into HIV in humans. Apes/monkeys do not have HIV, they have SIV. I can't believe no one corrected you on this. Also patient zero was a flight attendant not a pilot and he wasn't exactly patient zero. community


He was a pilot, not an attendant:


Reading comprehension is your friend. Um I obviously wasn't talking about the character in the movie but thank you for pointing out what I already knew. But for your dumb simple minded brain I will spell it out. The OP was talking about a real person who did spread aids to hundreds of gay men. He was a flight attendant not a pilot. I mean obviously we are talking about something else since siv and HIV came up. NO ONE in the movie had either and they just had a made up disease.


Oh. Sorry. My bad.


How long has it been since you actually just sat back and enjoyed a film instead of nitpicking he hell out of it?


2. IT'S SCIENCE FICTION, that means its a FAKE story built around science

3. Its said in the conference at the beginning that the drug being given had cell repairing properties so its possible that one of the cells its repairing the the larynx


Can you imagine how frustrating it must be to live next door to a retired Rodney McKay? Constantly being told what is and isn't feasible? I bet Will just had Caesar implanted with a little speaker in his throat and he gets voiced by a dwarf that hides out of sight. Why a dwarf? Why not?

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!


Easy fix.
Just dangle a citrus in front of him.


haha brilliant


For people saying it's a movie, no *beep* Do you realise that people watch movies because they enjoy being immersed in the story. Stupid mistakes or plot holes totally take you out of the movie and stand out like an internet white knight.

Just because it's sci-fi doesn't mean they can throw physiology or logic out the window. They need to at least address the issue and give some type of half-assed explanation.


They need to at least address the issue and give some type of half-assed explanation.

They did. See the response further up the thread.

Babies kill TV shows!


You know...essentially when you're watching a movie, you're engaging in what's known as 'Willing Suspension of Disbelief.' In other words you're letting imagination take over the wheel from logic. That's how you can sit back and enjoy a movie properly and not have to wonder about how a tornado can carry a whole house from Kansas to another land called Oz and not have Dorothy suffer any PTSD or have to go through customs clearance when she arrived.


"Just because it's sci-fi doesn't mean they can throw physiology or logic out the window. They need to at least address the issue and give some type of half-assed explanation."

Actually, yes they can. There is no rule in science fiction that says you must do this or this. Every science fiction film has different levels of suspension of disbelief. People like yourself, if you had your way, would totally destroy the fantasy and science fiction genre's. As I stated to the guy who made the OP, I am very thankful that people like you are on IMDB making ridiculous posts as opposed to being in Hollywood dictating filmmaking policy. If it was the other way around, I guarantee you would have destroyed some amazing pieces of science fiction with this kind of ridiculous thinking. Honestly, I don't understand why people like you even watch films from the genre. You must know going in your going to hate most of them so why even bother? Why not stick with non-fiction where you and your demand for logic will be satisfied? Leave the science fiction and fantasy for people who can actually appreciate it without constantly measuring it up against reality.

Still Shooting With Film!


I watch these movies because I enjoy sci-fi, if it's done well. And a lot of the time it is. Sloppy plots shouldn't be excused by saying "suspension of disbelief".


Has it ever occurred to the OP that all these changes in Ceasar's physiology was part of the story and not an oversight? Ceasar's brain was changed physically since birth, and he continued to change through out the movie. Not only did he develop his vocal chords, pallet and being able to control his breathing to enable speech, did you also notice that at the end of the movie he also stood as tall Dr Rodman? Hello? The ape must have changed physically, not just mentally - it's all there plain as day. After all, he spoke! ...and he was taller! Get it?

The problem with nitpickers as well as proffessional movie critics is that they don't seem to know how to watch a movie. You need to be able to take a step back and cut down on some of the critical thinking. I'm saying SOME, not all of it. Just enough to accept such basic things like we never see IRL such as being transferred through time and space via scene cuts and transitions, as well as story developments that defy likelyhood and that break into the area of the extraordinary.

Ceasar's physiology changed so drastically that he was able to stand tall like a man, think and speak like one. This was improbable, but not impossible like the OP stresses. What really happend, I think, is that the OP was so busy nitpicking that he was the one overlooking the all possiblilities with the 112 virus.

Same goes for those who say that the virus should have killed the apes like it killed the humans. After all both are primate species that share about 99% of their genetic makeup. However, improbable as it may be, it was that 1% that difference that made all the difference. That's not unrealistic, in fact it happens all the time IRL. Things happen despite astronomical odds against.

So just sit back and just accept the information fed to you and see the movie as truth, while you watch it. Otherwise,you might as well find another form of entertainment. Like a documentary.

Speaking of documentaries, I saw one the other day on how spider silk is being replicated to create the next generation of kevlar and fibres so strong it can replace the nails that hold an airplane together. Spider silk!? Totally, theoretically impossible and really bad science. Oh wait...


Johnny the chimp in this video is quite clearly saying 'Mama', as outlined in IMDb's FAQ section too.

Although sentences are obviously a bit of a leap, and their vocabulary would be very limited, basic speech like 'No' isn't perhaps as farfetched as you may believe.


You forgot the fiction part in science-fiction. It's not just there to make the word prettier.


OP: Get a grip. It's fiction.


The thing is that Ceaser was born with the virus, he wasn't injected with it. It might have caused him to evolve psycially as well as mentally. The first virus might have given him a humanlike lyrnyx and the second virus might have stimulated the speech centers in his brain.


Not reading the whole thread. This script is rubbish. I don't expect hard science from a pop corn blockbuster scifi story. But I don't accept absolute absurdities either.

If people keep defending this sort of stuff by saying 'it's a movie' rather than requiring writers to at least conform to the most basic laws of physics, then hack writers will continue to peddle their crap successfully.


you're not reading through the thread even though your question was answered perfectly, but if you just ignore it and keep claiming your *beep* then do it, maybe if you ignore it hard enough itll make you right.


Which of the basic laws of physics are being broken by the writers in having the apes speak intelligibly?


apes and homo sapiens are in the same biological order, how is it that the virus destroys the homo sapiens body (by presumably attacking the nervous or respiratory system), but when the primates inhale it, their brain power is increased?
Different species.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe
