The title irritates me.

I haven't seen an episode, but it sounds like it's trying to be quirky.


Actually it should be four body problem. Will that irritate you more?


Any denomination would bother me.


I'm not trying to scare you, but you're currently in a 9 body system.


Is there a cure?


If we are still talking about the solar system and planets, then no, our scientists have no cure for saving the planet yet.

But I have a genius idea - How about we trick all big-ass Americans to start moving east in the winter and then moving back west in the summer. Due to physics, the Earth's rotation would slow down in the winter, giving the rest of us in the Northern Hemisphere a longer winter; and then in the summer it would rotate faster so we get a shorter summer. Global warming problem solved! right?


I think we should all go to a different planet.


It was even scarier before, it was a 10 body system/problem, but thanks to Neil DeGrasse Tyson and his buddies, Pluto was demoted from planet to a dwarf planet, so have 10% less scary life now.
