absolute rubbish

Was so looking forward to seeing this movie after seeing the trailer at the cinema.
It startsof well then kinda goes downhill..has a lot of pointless scenes and characters (the druggie female cop) and is full of location plot holes!!
Stahams character who talks in whispers and tries to come off as a hard man is just laughable as is the killers reason to start killing cops...dont waste ur time!


I Disagree pal.This was tense,brilliant and well done by Paddy,Aiden,Jason and Ned.I do thing there was no need for so many brothers and sisters..but a great Irish effort.


Absolutely agree. Police procedures, rank structure, relationships between individual characters absolutely off kilter.
Known villain caught with £50,000 bung money cannot be traced back to owner??
Then he is released after answering a few simple questions?
His flat and car are searched by opening a few doors and a boot lid and items thrown about a bit?
No search for DNA, fingerprints powdwer from his gun or accelerants on his person, in his flat, or in the car or taxi. Derrrrr.
Plot holes, unnecessary diversions and bad continuity everywhere. (Why call it 'London Police?') Waste of time.
For a decent film in the same genre where there is a plot, characterisation and dramatic effect watch 'Face'....


Just saw this film, and it really is a stinker, I was particularly dissappointed becuse I love Paddy Considine, but here he was woefully miscast, trying to be the straight guy to Statham's bad ass was cringe inducing, and speaking of cringge inducing, the ending with Gillen being owned by Statham and trying to come back for more like the scene in the Monty Python The Holy Grail, where the knight loses both his hands and legs and still wants to fight.

a steaming pile of *beep*



This film is a masterpiece.

The extraordinary elliptic references to Bunuel-the slow blur-cutting reminiscent of Fellini and the crisp quasi-melodic dialogue with it's Brechtian undertones and Pinteresque cadences.


And the coded hymn of praise-the film being exactly 93 minutes long and this year being the 93rd anniversary of the birth of Charles Bronson and the murdered "Kid" recalling the 1921 film of the year "The Kid"-93 years ago.

A numerical tour-de-force.

I endorse the view of the legendary Catalonian cineaste Gili Pollada -"loved it"


I was in a Jason Statham kind of mood and saw this unseen film of his. I regret it. Didn't know it was british or else I probably wouldn't have seen it. Don't get me wrong, there are some very good british films, also with Statham in it, but these kind of drama-action flicks with high emphasis on slow-pace is in my experience a bore when it comes to britain. And I don't even understand half of what Statham is saying. My time will be wasted no more


I think I have to agree with you.
This movie was trying to be something else than an actionflick, but all the story had to offer was action movie material. Not believable enough to get the real emotional attachment you need to create a drama or a thriller, just a plain nonsense story, fit for a dumb, but fun, action movie. At least they took the right actors, but then apperently they forgot most of the action scenes.


Truly dire!


It was very disappointing and unbelievable. Statham doesn't convince as a cop (he is better playing lone wolf specialists and merc types). What was with the blonde female cop who went around with her uniform unbuttoned all the time? The killer on his little BMX bike was unintentionally hilarious.This movie lives in the same cockeyed universe as the remake of the Sweeney. Statham needs to raise his game and leave crap like this alone.
