Only 7.9!?

C'mon this deserves a higher rating! IMDB is a funny place.


How can you call 7.9 (now 7.8) LOW? You're kidding, right?! Some movies are lucky if they even get a 6.4 or better, 7.0!


10 for me. One of the best film I've ever seen for acting, directing and the amazing script.


It's one of the greatest movies of its generation. I gave it a 10.


"Only"? A 7.9 is way too generous for this overrated turkey.



Giving high ratings to a film because of the director or writer is stupid. Eisenberg is a whiny, dimensionless plank and kills everything.


Well now it is 7.8. But yeah I don't get the low rating either. If I remember correctly it was in the Top 250 before.


The Social Network is one of the greatest films ever made and not everybody may see that now but I guarantee you ten to twenty years down the line it'll be regarded as a masterpiece and a classic. The reason it's not in the Top 250 is because The Social Network is a movie made for intellectual people and most people on imdB are dumb as *beep* So there ya go...



It was an unsavory film about unlikable people.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!
