Only 7.9!?

C'mon this deserves a higher rating! IMDB is a funny place.


IMDb ratings for really good films often seem a little ungenerous... Maybe people who disliked a film are slightly more likely to give it a rating or something. But, even by IMDb standards, this deserves to be over 8... I must say, that tedious quarrel in the pub at the start had me wondering about switching it off - a very unengaging opening scene. But, I stuck with it and I'm glad I did... While the development of a website and the ensuing legal wrangles doesn't sound like particularly promising inspiration for a film, I really enjoyed this.



I'd say 7,9 is too high for a movie that belongs on some niché DVD.


Who cares about Facebook? In two years time this movie will probably be found in the "History"-department in some library.


Agree, this is a great movie, smart lines, actors perfectly cast and the score! Whether you use/like Facebook, it's a business/friendship/betrayal story.


Well I'm sure the movie got a high rating when it was launched but as time passed, more and more people rated(some gave 6 others 7 some gave 8) and in the end it got a 7.9 . Irony of IMDB.


I'm suprised it's so high. Similar to Crash, a lot of people hated it and didn't understand the praise. David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin did little to no research and it shows. They completely missed the deep philosophical debate about the information age, and instead made a stereotypical, nonsensical movie. In real life, Zuckerberg is an interesting character with a radical ideology; it would have been good to mine from that rather than creating a fictional one to fit a boring formula. It is one of the worst written movies I've ever seen.


7.9 is more than fair I feel.


I gave it a 9. An easy 9 imho. On paper this should have been the dullest most boring film ever. Yet Fincher and Sorkin somehow turned this into a highly engaging masterpiece.
