Only 7.9!?

C'mon this deserves a higher rating! IMDB is a funny place.


Just because a movie is smart and up-to-the-minute doesn't mean that it connects to people's hearts.

"In your eyes, the light, the heat; in your eyes, I am complete"- Peter Gabriel



I believe that people give higher votes to movies that manage to reach their hearts and stir their emotions, not just massage their brains and stimulate their senses with smartly-written, rapid-fire dialogue and an impressively cold, contained lead performance. This (I believe) is why The King's Speech won Best Picture and Direction at the Oscars and The Social Network did not, and also why one of those movies is still in the imdb top 250 and the other is not.

THAT was my point.

"In your eyes, the light, the heat; in your eyes, I am complete"- Peter Gabriel


Great point, except that the dialog is awful--painful bad--and rattles on incessantly. Everything about this film seems pretentious and juvenile. I didn't expect it to be anything over a 5 on imdb.

That's the most you'll ever get out of me Wordman. Ever. -Eddie Wilson


you didnt expect it to be anything over a 5? that was just dumb ...

reply was just dumb enough so as not to deserve anything over a 5.

That's the most you'll ever get out of me Wordman. Ever. -Eddie Wilson


thinking it should deserve less than a 5 on IMDB is different than actually thinking it would be ranked less than 5 like you said

its just plain dumb to think its score would be that low, through all the constant shrivel out there you honestly thought this would be ranked as one of the worst movies in the last few years?


Actually, you're right. I wasn't thinking clearly.

Is this to be an empathy test?


There is no accounting for taste?
I gave it a 2, the only interesting bit is the size of the pay out in the last few seconds!
Zuckerberg is portrayed as clever, arrogant, devious, unscrupulous, really unpleasant, ...etc, but he hasn't sued? In real life, I'm told he is a nice guy. Now I don't know who to believe?
ps, is that first scene the worst EVER in a movie?

■-■'s a whole lot harder to shine, than undermine.


Says the person who thinks Joe Dirt is 'criminally underrated'.


Joe Dirt is a movie that simply works. All the elements are there and it's a fun ride from start to finish. The Social Network fumbles around and never has much of a point. In the end, I cared about Joe Dirt. I didn't really care about anyone in TSN.

Just finished watching Dallas Buyers Club and I feel the same way about it. The story wasn't engaging and--as much as I wanted to--I never connected with any of the characters.

Hollywood has simply lost its touch.

That's the most you'll ever get out of me Wordman. Ever. -Eddie Wilson


Yep, you have the right point. I agree. Although the OP argues that a 7.9 is too low, I reackon it is a tad high. After watching it a couple times, it's only a 7.4 or 7.5 . The film itself is thought provoking and visually good but it does not leave the audience with any major emotion. Normally, biopics get the audience involved and rooting for either character and this draws emotion, but with TSN, who are we supposed to support. Everybodies preconception is that Mark is the good guy and (thanks to the media) the people sueing him are the bad guys. I was glad that this film portrays the opposite to an extent, but I was left a bit confused, I didn't know what to think and who to support. The story progression was good as was the acting and visuals, but it left me with a sense of 'meh' afterwards.


It is ridiculous that they make Mark into a bad guy for trying to control his invention. I have my own beefs with Zuckerberg, but the movie has ridiculous qualms. It is so dishonest about a recent true story that it's disgusting. The whole Zuckberg ex-girlfriend story was beyond juvenile. The terrible crime with this movie is that Facebook has real cultural importance and it missed the chance to analyze it. This is not a movie where the writer should have done zero research.


Yeah, real life Mark seemed very happy with the films final product. I can't be bothered digging out the interview now but he said he found it very entertaining and accurate.

And you say that this movie portrayed Facebook wrongly, please explain how, give specific examples.


In the New Yorker article in 2010, Mark Zuckerberg made clear that he thought very little about the movie due to its inaccuracies.

In real life, Zuckerberg met his then girlfriend and now wife at a frat party. The crew twins etc. didn't come-up with any real ideas. This isn't entirely inaccurately presented, but it makes his behavior seem overly juvenile. It's true that he wasn't tactful with his communication, but what he did is normal business practice. He didn't owe these other students anything. The only reason they got a settlement was because of the language Zuckerberg used.

Sean Parker provided invaluable advice in real life. The movie trivializes the man and his ideas. Also, Zuckerberg's friend wasn't committed to the company. It's his fault what happened to his place in it. The film seeks to make Zuckerberg into a loner to represent Aaron Sorkin's view of the young generation. He isn't a bad guy because he wants to control his company. He has odd philosophical views, but he isn't a loner.


What a silly thing to say. The film is all about the relationships between people and how greed and betrayal can drive friends apart.


In any case, why does your description of the film make what I said 'silly'? Even if I could care about Mark, and accept that he and Eduardo would get along well in the first place (which I don't), does that automatically mean that the film should reach me emotionally? The Social Network only managed to be dramatic in ways that were intellectually and linguistically impressive, but cold and detached.

"In your eyes, the light, the heat; in your eyes, I am complete"- Peter Gabriel


Well, what happens in the film is quite tragic. If you thought it was cold and detached, fine, but I don't think it's so "thinking over feeling" as you make it out to be.


Yeah, completely original.


The problem is the true story isn't about greed and portrayal, but about controlling one's invention and strong ideological embrace of the information age. The movie is a completely inaccurate representation of a real story. They made an easy bs movie, rather than trying to make the difficult true story.



Totally agreed. This is Fincher's best work by far, and deserves a much higher rating.


Higher? Are you mad? 7.9 is already way too high.
Overrated movie.



it is very strange i believe this movie was one of the greatest movies ever it is not only the smartness of the dialogs it is the way it was shot the cinematography the dark underground and chilling soundtrack not to say the main theme is facebook a networking site that is very addictive and most people love and hate it at the same time


I just looked at your other posts and "chriskokolios" you also say that spiderman 2 is one of greatest movies ever, that says it all.....


While I don't think that Spiderman 2 is a great movie it isn't bad and everyone has the right to their own opinion. It still doesn't change the fact that a valid argument can be made that the Social Network is one of the all time great movies.


"It still doesn't change that a valid argument can be made that the social network is one of the great all time movies" umm.....what argument Oh I know this game "what you say doesnt cahnge the fact that a vallid argument can be made that I am superman and my penis is the greatest of all time and cures cancer". The writing was poor, the characters were unlikable and you couldn't connect with them, they were also unbelievable in particular the realtionship between zuckerberg and eduardo who never showed any connection as friends to begin with. Someone posted something about the great visual aspect of the film.... it is not avatar what visuals. The story can't be amazingly original on there part because it is a true story, they just made a movie about it.


it is very strange i believe this movie was one of the greatest movies ever it is not only the smartness of the dialogs it is the way it was shot the cinematography the dark underground and chilling soundtrack not to say the main theme is facebook a networking site that is very addictive and most people love and hate it at the same time

And not to mention one of the greatest editing jobs I have ever seen on film.

The storyline cuts between the traditional narrative story and 2 separate ongoing hearings, and the viewer is never lost in all of the cuts. What a brilliant job.

It's not like the story is THAT compelling or anything, but its shot in a manner that makes a 2 hour film fly by in what feels like 45 minutes. That's one of the elements of great filmmaking. If an audience member looks at their watch during the film, you haven't failed in filmmaking, but what you've created is by no means a masterpiece.


I just rated it 1 star. Terrible film, unlikeable characters. That's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. Just DISMAL.


Watch more movies


Yes, the main criteria for the quality of a film is how "likable" the characters are.

Grow up.


It does matter that the characters are completely inacurate representations of real people. Sorkin started with a simple movie formula and filled in the characters, instead of developing the characters to make them feel real. It is frustrating when you are watching a movie about people who actually exist that are very important, and the movie just stereotypes them. In the movie, people who are actually geniuses are made into narrow minded idiots. The movie is a hate letter to everyone under 35.


It actually doesn't matter that the characters are inaccurate representations of real people. The real story really has no bearing on the quality of the film. Does the story work or not. Three hundred years from now, if facebook is completely forgotten in the annals of history (as I sincerely hope), will this movie work for its viewers? That's all that matters.

You may say it won't work. I say it will. But how accurately it tells the true story is irrelevant to the film's quality.


That's what I'm saying. When you make something that has no basis in truth, it won't last. There is no use to this film. It is only a cathartic experience for the viewer, just like it was for Sorkin to write.

A cast of characters that are stereotypes doesn't work. Years from now, the film will be viewed as one of the worst Oscar screenplay winners, because it will be seen as completely dated. It represents the metamorphosis that our culture transcribed on the change ongoing, not what is really happening. To the people of the future, this will be obvious.

Last 3 films seen: The Lords of Salem 9, The Crash Reel 9, and Graceland 8.5


Agreed. Poor plot. People see "Facebook" and overrate this weak film. And, in the end, it reduces the facebook phenomena to an act of betrayal...... Mark Zuckerberg must be laughing when he sees this movie.....


The New Yorker had a good article that actually has accurate information unlike the movie. In it, you get the impression that Zuckerberg thought very little of the movie, and that it was barely on his radar.


It's a beautiful, subtle film. Problem is, IMDB is mostly college guys (I'm guessing) and prefers high paced, emotional films over subtle films with good dialogue and smart writing.

Case in point: The Social Network is a 7.9. Inception was a good movie, but a summer blockbuster more than anything else, but it's an 8.8. Some decent dialogue, but it was about a fantastical imaginary world driven by fast pace action and an insane love story between a guy and a figment of his subconscious.

People loved Se7en. It's an 8.7 on here. It's fast paced action film and people mostly remember "WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?!?" and the psychotic Kevin Spacy.

The Dark Knight (9.0) is another example of this. The plot was sorta convoluted and the Joker was the only character with really good dialouge. But what do people remember? The psychotic clown. The insane cackling. Have I ever told you how I got these scars?

The Dark Knight Rises has plot holes so big you could drive a truck through them. It's an 8.6 almost entirely because of the feelings you get at the end when Alfred delivers his lines and the scene at the cafe.

The Social Network is a very good movie with snappy dialogue and fantastic acting. But it's not the fast paced, super emotional film that IMDB loves.

And before you come up with a counter-example (12 Angry Men and Arsenic and Old Lace come to mind) those films have A LOT less votes than recent Oscar nominated films, and that's a very different demographic in IMDB.



Agreed. Se7en is in no way a 'fast paced action film'.



This movie is one of my top 5 favorites. I felt it was just so so after the first time watching it, but something about it compelled me to view it again and again and again. Each time I watch it I seem to appreciate it more but at the same time I couldn't tell you why I like it to save my life. In fact I would say I understand less of this movie the more I watch. That's probably the reason I like it so much.

But to be fair, a 7.9 for an adult movie (with young characters) is definitely not a bad rating by any stretch of the imagination. Most new movies with scores higher than an 8 are action-packed blockbusters with armies of fanboys driving the score up.


I liked this film a lot. I've seen it four or five times and each time I do, I enjoy it more and more. It's nothing special visually, but the way its constructed from a story standpoint is fantastic, the acting is great and the direction and editing is crisp and well realized.

I like the writing, but there are times when it almost becomes too smart for its own good. Everyone always has the perfect thing to say at the exact right time.

It's still good dialogue, but people don't talk like that... all the time!

I do think its underrated overall and should have a higher rating. It was one of the most well composed pieces of 2010. The Garfield scene where he goes off on Eisenberg was especially exceptional. To those saying that there wasn't enough emotion in the film, sometimes movies don't require you to love their characters, but to understand them. I got that feeling throughout as the story really sold the characters. You understood their motives and who they were. That's the most important thing in a script. Zuckerburg isn't likable at all, but he sure is fascinating, at least to me. These characters weren't composed to be sentimental, and they didn't have to be in regards to this film.


Of course you like the movie, your post is also prejudicial ("college guys").


As a college aged guy who loved all of the movies I referenced, I think you're getting a little touchy. It seems to be that the average ratings fall in line pretty closely to the opinions of 18-25 year old guys for most blockbusters, and that's the sort of stuff they target for that cohort.

If college aged guys really are disproportionately represented on IMDB like I think they are, then I'm right and not being ignorant.


I suppose I was wrong about your reference to "college guys."

I disagree that imdb is mostly college males or even college students. I didn't verify if this is accurate, but I found the following statistics:

I think imdb ratings are far more representative of people's response to a movie than critics' reviews.


Well, if your link is accurate, then I concede the point. You're probably right in that case.


I agree completely. The IMDB rating system is ridiculous. This is one of the most meaningful and intelligent films of our generation. Easily one of the best films of the decade, if not beyond that.

Doesn't deserve any less than a 9/10


I couldn't disagree more. The imdb rating system is the best. Rather than picking from snarky critics or the general public, it chooses film buffs to rate the movies. While I don't like this movie, I recognize that most people think it's really good, while some people hate it. Therefore, it should fall in the 7's.


it deserves atleast a 9


You people cannot be serious. This is one of the most overrated films in recent memory, along with The Dark Knight (which someone else already mentioned), The Hangover, Avengers, a few of the new Leonardo DiCaprio films, and various others.

Watched this movie from beginning to end, and while it was decent, it was nothing too special and merely exposed the overly pretentious, self-entitled, piece of sh!te Zuckerberg in a dramatic way. The only part of the movie that was slightly emotional was when Andrew Garfield's character frustratingly confronted Mark Zuckberg in the public office after he found out that his shares/ownage of the Facebook site were strapped away and Justin Timberlake took his place near the end of the movie.

Good Will Hunting, and many other movies had better emotionally captivating moments than The Social Network to be honest. Nevertheless, it was a nice attempt to cash in on the current Facebook craze, whilst simultaneously putting SOME effort, accuracy, and quality within this film. Personally, I think this movie deserves no higher than a 7.3 rating. Some of you, along with most of IMDB, just seem very easily amused.

I like expensive pasta, real expensive pasta...


I agree with this movie sucking, but you should realize that this is a fictional portrayal of Zuckerberg and the founding of facebook. I am not a fan of his, but for his real faults (his information age fundamentalism).

The movie tries to make him look like a bad guy for wanting ownership of the thing he created. This is ridiculous.
