Damn, Norm McDonald!

He sucks balls.


Fred Willard called...he wants that unfunny dry humor bit back Norm.



OH MY GOD! Norm was the funniest ever!!! I mean, it was a ROAST you guys. You know, a ROAST! Where comedians get together and are vulgar and crass and talk *beep* on one another, especially the host! So Norm was THE BEST! He completely ignored what a roast was, he went his own way!
Just because someone didn't make sense, does not make them a genius. Unfortunately, too many people don't want to appear that they didn't get it, so they make up reasons why the person was a genius. I didn't get it. I never will. I think that makes me the *beep* genius. Not you shmucks claiming otherwise. *beep* you, MacDonald.


Way to post the same comment twice, you foolish dullard.


Jeez, can people not tell he was telling corny-ass jokes on purpose? He was hilarious! Did you not see the roast members cracking up?


and his comebacks to peoples jokes about him were amazing.

No they weren't. There's nothing funny in saying "I think many people would want to see Henry Fonda picking blueberries". That's lame. That sounds like something I'd have desperately said if I was Norm and couldn't think of something funny because I'm not a comedian, just an average dude. That's the first thing that'd have popped in my mind to say, which proves Norm is just as funny as me, i.e. not funny.

You WILL respect my AUTHORITAAAAH !!!!

