Topics outside the matches

The Dutch are really smart in their choice of colors. Since no one else seems to use orange, everyone can always recognize their fans from their clothing and know which team they're supporting. So many teams use red/white/blue. A shame that no one has adopted purple. Scotland, I suppose, but they don't manage to make it to the cup anymore.

Which ads do you like? Beckham and Manning are pretty amusing.

Some of them are pretty annoying. So tired of Google Pixel ripping off Robin Williams' "Good Morning" from "Good Morning, Vietnam". And that thumb that talks from a cut in its middle - awful! Don't get what the whiskey commercial is trying to say at all.

Favorite annoucing teams are Ian Darke/Landon or Derek Rae/Aly Wagner.

World Cup Tonight has gone down. Was more fun four years ago.

All the announcers are pronouncing "Qatar" in the old way while the nightly news announcers have taken to pronouncing it more like "Cutter".

There's a Qatar stadium named Khalifa International shaped like a red set of lips. Is this a Qattari architect with a sense of humor?


Scotland have always used navy blue for their home shirts.

Can’t comment on the rest as I’m not American, but TV match pundits in the UK are pretty shit this year, watching poor old Mauricio Pochettino struggling with his English was not a great choice for a match pundit.


I don't know why a British newspaper would be watching American coverage, but here's a review that has some decent points. The main thing they got wrong is about Edu, who is pretty terrible. Ask him a question and he starts a repetitive blah blah blah about it that means zilch, says half a sentence that barely glances at an answer and then changes the subject into more blah blah blah. Plus there are a lot of words he just can't pronounce. Like "especially". Or "bode", as in "it does not bold well for them". And isn't the ability to say words what you really want in an analyst? Anyway, here's the article already:
