Trailer 2

Much much better now. WE ARE VENOM!


This Movie looks BadAss!!

Only concern is the Eddie character kinda feels like a washed out typical boring good moral guy down on his luck.

Judging from the trailer Eddie is a nice guy being influenced and controlled by Venom... Hope this isn't the case I wanted Eddie to be more of a grey area moral debate guy(Better Call Saul) and Venom be the little devil on his shoulder that gives him unbelievable power. Like those days we wish we had superpowers so we could do what we want but it's probably best we didn't.

A black and white Eddie good Venom bad sounds like a bad way to try an spin this to make the main character still the Hero at the end of the day. But I guess that's blockbuster movie biz thinking. Here hoping that's not the case... not sure I can deal with another Maleficent let down.


looks insanely bad.
