'torture porn is over

Anyone else agree?


i disagree with OP - simply because, so called torture porn has been around infinitely longer than the relatively recent naming of it.

therefore, its been around, is around, and will be around despite any names people want to pigeon hole it into.

H is pronounced Aitch NOT Haitch !


"torture porn" is just a made up term by Conservative film critics.its still gore/splatter. And it isn't going anywhere.look at Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment(1985) or even BLOOD FEAST (1963). As long as movies are being made.people will make movies with violence for the sake of violence.


I think it could off stayed longer as a movie genre if SAW haven't killed it so fast with all their movies. LOL

Chaos Alex




Torture-porn is only over until someone makes another mainstream franchise adopting the style. If they made another movie about a bunch of people getting tortured that didn't have 'Saw' or 'Hostel' in the title, wouldn't the whole world see it (assuming it's promoted properly)? Right now it might not be the big thing, but it could easily be again.

My opinions on whether or not torture-porn is good is varied. Sometimes it comes out great and other times it's just lazy. The Hostel movies were done right, Grotesque was done right, Inside was done right etc. I can think of a ton of torture-porn movies that were great, not just disturbing. I can think of a lot that aren't though. For example, 'Martyrs' is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. I am not joking. There were several others which were bad, although no movie could ever top 'Martyrs' in bad film making.

With such a limited amount of movies in the 'genre', it's kind of hard to even properly judge it. I'll admit, the idea sounds terrible on paper. But it usually (based on what I've seen) tends to come out making you feel legitimately interested and caring for the protagonist. Those feelings combined with a good plot and decent acting make me give the genre an overall pass.


Only thing boring about death worshipping movies is how they not only ask us but demand that we all should think they are so cool, unless you wanna be viewed as a pussy of some sorts. Yeah.. Well, i thought mass murderers etc. were the ones who were always declared as the real pussies in the end, maybe Hollywood doesn't know. Or care. I think it's only fascinating that they try to desensitize us, but I reeeally would never find self-value in social acceptance rather than private life and personal values. More fulfilling movies, like Funny Games, seem to try the opposite, to re-sentitize us. And that's even more fascinating, imo.


i agree, im so over torture porn, particualrly since most of the victims now are guys. and has anyone noticed that most of these movies show cock but rare is the tit or twat. God feminism ruined so much


People making Hostel sound like a version of The Girl Next Door (2007) or An American Crime almost...

Seriously, you guys are giving it WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to much credit..



i disagree. if anything torture porn is very strong at the moment.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I read the first page of replies and it look like people are arguing are semantics. I believe the OP meant, is this the end of this type of movie, I would think it is not. With hostel and saw being so profitable, and movies like A Siberian Film coming out showing us how extreme the genre can get (I did not see the film and I do not recommend), I doubt this is the last we see of this TYPE of film. Cheap to make, easy to market, I think they'll be sticking around for a while.


With hostel and saw being so profitable

Saw was extremely profitable but Hostel II & Hostel II were not much over the breakeven point.


Torture porn is a lazy term used by people who seem to be committed to influencing people to be as ignorant as they are.

Torture in movies has become more central to horror plots in the last decade or so but has been around much longer. Horror movies with torture as a central plot device has nothing to do with porn, it just is focusing on a certain type of horror. In horror, Monsters had their day. satan and exorcisms had their day, witches had their day, aliens had their day, serial killers had their day, and now torture had its day. They all look at the darker side of humanity, the fear and pain part which apparently in the human psyche is also tied to sexuality.

I never said it
