'torture porn is over

Anyone else agree?


No. I still enjoy it, but it has to be good.


i couldnt disagree anymore. The only horror movie thats have been comming out are retarded remakes and the stupidest string of ghost movies ever to hit the planet earth (paranormal activity) im ready for some good old fashion gut wrenching gore!! no doubt about excited for this one


well thats not horror for a lot of people, i like gore but i certainly wouldnt watch something like serbian film or hannibal holocaust, or human centipede. I like my horror with gore, but like halloween gore, or nightmare on elmstreet gore. thats horror gore. But not this *beep* people getting torchured is not a horror. And i like movies like paranormal activity, insidious, shinning, original texas massacre but i will never looks at this *beep* And i am a horror fanatic. But i will never watch this, i only read these threads to find out about the story. But i would never watch it.


it's really not as bad as you think it is. It's a mistake to read IMDb threads to get a feel for a movie because 98% of people who post on IMDb are whiners and think every movie sucks.


I could not agree more.


I agree with noway234-1.

Ever since I first heard the term 'torture porn' to describe horror films I was really offended as a viewer. Like these critics are making horror fans out to be some sort of sexual deviants. The term actually implies S&M pornography aka hardcore sex and violence occurring at the same time - which is definitely NOT something I would want to associate myself with. Horror films like Hostel do not deserve this term, it makes them sound much more perverse than they actually are. The term 'torture porn' itself is more disgusting to me than anything I've seen in any horror film that supposedly falls into that category. It's just the critics that feel the need to slap a (misleading) label on everything.


I watched some of the harder later "horror" movies, to have an understanding
what the actual fluff is. Some where pure gore fests, other where stupid
slashers, some had very dark comedy in it. One or two where thrillers
that went completly "wrong" on the thriller part and became plothole filled
blood sprayers. Mostly I felt bored or disgusted. Its truly not my thing.

But the few truly falling into the "torture porn" label simply deserve it -
and if there is really nothing else, no story, no content, the "porn" part
becomes sadly the only thing you can talk about. They have way to much "fun"
with the torturing, and less "fun" telling the story.

I don't call it 'porn'. its a "fetish". Or call it "torturefest" like "gorefest".

The heated discussion comes mostly from the fact, that people who really like
other to suffer on screen for no reason don't want to be called out. Because
they are the *true* strange ones in the horror-gore fancrowd.

And many of them are, as a fact, misogynists. Just read the discussions here.


Thank you for your sane points. I do not understand how people can skew the definition to meet their own ends.

Torture Porn is gratuitous torture with no other purpose than to excite people who want to see horrible suffering on screen.

I liked the original Saw. I felt it had some really gore driven scenes, yet carried through with actual plot.

Human Centipede on the other hand...



The term is vauge. Could mean sex, violence, toture etc...A good majority of these back and forths are pointless. IMDB...gotta love it.



More torture porn please...
everyone else get over yourselves... its a sub genre of your favorite film genre... can we move the *beep* on


I heard phrase torture porn in the seventies. It was most commonly used to describe movies from that time where killer would rape and then kill his victims. Pretty gruesome movies actually. Tough since they were pretty low budget. Almost all of them had terrible actors and directing. After that the term went on and i remember people using it for Texas Chainsaw Massacre too.

Since things have changed id say Hostel is torture porn even without sex. I guess partial nudity is enough tough.

Also i would not compare any horror movies to gore movies even tough there are movies that have both sides. I mean they aint in the same genre. Kill Bill isnt horror movie even tough it's more gory than lots of good horror films. Ofcourse you can compare any film to any film about acting, directing, plot etcetc but still.

Hostel 1 & 2 are good gore flicks and you can feel some uneasyness but never actually scared. It's easy to go for a walk in the forest at night after watching Hostel. After good horror film that idea wont be even an option.

Hostel 3 tough was huge disapointment. Well no Eli Roth so i guess you could see it coming. No Gore, No not even acting made me convinced that these people were scared to die and whole ending is ridiculous.


I love so called torture porn because the situations are so extreme that I begin to sympathize with the character and really wish for their suffering to end, typically through escape. In a typical slasher or supernatural flick, the fast deaths do not draw me into the plot and caring about stopping the characters from suffering.

You have two distinct types of movies here. The torture porn style engenders sympathy through revulsion. The standard slasher is merely a series of cheap scares with some gore thrown in.


It's a stupid term, and no, I don't agree.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"



Agree.. Everyone my age 25+ just laughs at this horrible sub-genre. It only got popular because of stupid kids. Like everything else terrible these days.


After watching "Martyrs" every film like this just seems tame and lazy.
