MovieChat Forums > Conviction (2010) Discussion > How does a high school dropout and singl...

How does a high school dropout and single mom afford law school?

I read somewhere that you practically need to be of financially independent means.



Anyone who says they don't have money for college is either an idiot, lazy, or both. Practically anybody can get a student loan to get a degree.


Poor people then and now can go to college for free. I did.
Homeless to Harvard is another good movie to watch. It didn't make it to the big screen but Lifetime is just as good to me...
Innocent is the hearts devotion with which I worship thine.......


She divorced a very rich man, pay attention to the ****ing movie.


"I believe I deserve some recognition from this board."


I read somewhere that you practically need to be of financially independent means.

I read somewhere that a desperate person only needs time and they can accomplish anything whatsoever. Eighteen years is quite a bit of time.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."


Ever heard of loans/grants? Not everyone who goes to law school is rich or "financially independent". I wasn't.


I financed law school 100% through loans. I worked some, but we were able to borrow living expenses as well. I was a single woman, with little savings (had been a public school teacher before going to law school), and my parents refused to give me a penny as they had already paid for my undergrad and grad schools (as well they shouldn't have given me anymore money after all that!).

It was expensive and I owe a lot of money still, but it can be done, if you want it bad enough.

You better understand I'm in love with myself Myself My beautiful self


My law school education cost $27,000 (tuition and books) in early 2000s which isn't too bad when you think about it. However, what gets a lot of people in trouble is when they take out super large loans for living expenses. I knew people who had $1000/month rent, were going out to bars 2-3 nights a week, out to dinner about the same amount. You can easily see how it can go from $9000 a year to $25-30k/year. Then you graduate with over $100k in debt.

My rent was $300/month. I hardly ever went out to bars or dinner. No cable. Spent $20/month on unlimited video rentals from blockbuster. Lots of chicken & rice and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

I'm sorry I don't speak computer-ebonics, please type in English.


Not all colleges cost a lot of money. Especially with fianncial aid and grants.

It's not as if she want to Harvard Law School.

Public schools used to be VERY cheap for in-state students. Much more so than they are now.
