How dare you get rid of HUNG! First I lose Sex and the City, The Wire, Entourage and now my favorite after only 3 seasons Hung. You all of lost your mind. I want to know what Tanya and Ray are going to do w/ the business and what's up w/ the red head whore being dead or alive. Don't take this show off air. The fans need to start a petition 4 real asap. I love this show!!!!


It was getting a little stale, but still a great show, and man o man great chicks. Love watching Ann Heche. But then again who doesn't. Too bad another network hasn't picked it up. Encore for example, or Starz-Either would be perfect for it.


Yeah i love this show...
sad that they ended it >.<


Shows don't go on forever, people. Hung obviously trailed off after season 2. There's only so much you can take a story about about a guy with a big dick being a prostitute. Sure, I'd gladly had followed the life of Ray (and to a lesser extent Tanya) beside the whore thing, but they never really chose that path anyway. It was obvious they'd run out of ideas by season 3 where they filled the episodes with a million sex scenes, now with better looking women as well.

I'm sort of glad it ain't coming back so that I won't have to watch a whole another season just to see what happens. They should have finished it off by episode 10, season 3.

And Entourage?! Please, the last two seasons were WEAK. You have to let the old ones go to make way for new ones. If SATC (6 seasons wasn't enough? Really?) and other shows would go on forever, you wouldn't even get to see something like Hung.


Amen!!!! Season 4 please!!! How do you end a series like this, that way?


They canceled it because Tanya character ruined the show. I'm gonna miss the redhead so much :(


They got rid of those shows because they suck balls & are terrible. HBO usually tries harder than other networks to make quality shows full of intelligent drama, comedy or fantasy, while shows like those you mentioned, they belong on Showtime with the other horrible trite. Maybe if you're lucky, Showtime will pick them back up, but don't count on it, because they ended for a reason: everything about them is stupid.
HBO, however, does not suck by any means & has brought some of the best shows I've ever seen anywhere & no, they are definitely not any of the ones you mentioned. Those were mistakes they made that were well-received because the majority of people like mindless crap that requires no real thought put into it. It doesn't by any means mean that they're actually good.

¯ºø~~~Teach a man to reason, and he'll think for a lifetime~~~øº¯:þ


I can understand why it was cancelled, 3 programmes in, and all I can say is, boring, boring, boring! And yes, cancelled has two 'L's'

