How dare you get rid of HUNG! First I lose Sex and the City, The Wire, Entourage and now my favorite after only 3 seasons Hung. You all of lost your mind. I want to know what Tanya and Ray are going to do w/ the business and what's up w/ the red head whore being dead or alive. Don't take this show off air. The fans need to start a petition 4 real asap. I love this show!!!!


Entourage is the worst television I've ever seen in my opinion and SATC had their run and two movies afterwards I consider it to be pretty much fair.


LOL!! While I feel your pain, I just wanted to add my two cents when it comes to The Wire.

Sarcastically speaking,it was David Simon who cancelled it. The last season apparently HBO was so gung-ho, they ordered 4 or 5 episodes more than what Simon said was needed. He was finished telling the story. I felt a little better when I read that and to know it wasn't HBO slicing and dicing it off.

But yeah, it sucks Hung's gone.

Marty:Block past Maple,that's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam:Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?




You do realize HBO very rarely actually "cancels" a show, right? The Wire got abysmal ratings -- despite being critically acclaimed and easily being one of the top 3 shows ever -- but was allowed FIVE (!) seasons by HBO. It was an expensive show with a huge cast, and HBO allowed it to have an actual finish. It might be the least-watched-but-most-expensive-and-longest-running show ever. Thanks, HBO!

The Sopranos was a ratings success, but was Oz? Really, was Six Feet Under? Is Curb? All those are great shows that lasted a looooooong time, not a single one was a big ratings smash.

Yes, HBO has cancelled shows -- Lucky Louie being a good example (good idea, the show sucked; FX's "Louie", which is a sorta-retooled-and-MUCH-better version of the show, rules though). They're usually right.

HBO has passed on shows, like Mad Men (!). Pretty shocking they'd pass on such a winner, especially since it had Sopranos' Matthew Weiner involvement. But, eh, what network hasn't passed on a show that turned out great?

All in all, HBO is about the best channel ever.

Shuji Terayama forever.


Ratings aren't the only driver for HBO, since they don't have advertising like the other major & cable networks.

Besides, ratings couldn't have been behind the cancellation of Hung, as it had better ratings than Bored to Death, How to Make It in America (both of these shows also got the ax), and the horribly dull Enlightened, which for some reason they renewed.

I too was pissed about Deadwood, Rome & Carnivale, and understand they were expensive to produce, as is current hit Game of Thrones (how much longer before they ax that to save $$) But Hung in terms of expense wouldn't come near those hour-long dramas. No shooting overseas or expensive, elaborate sets & costumes. So what's the deal?

The only other comedy I liked on HBO is Curb Your Enthusiasm, and I figure it may be a while before Larry David does a 9th season (if he even agrees to do it). So when they cancelled Hung, I cancelled HBO. Not worth the subscription $$ for crap like True Blood, Angry Boys, Bill Maher, Enlightened, etc.

On the bright side, here's hoping the rumors that Thomas Jane may be on the new series L.A. Noir on TNT are true--that show looks promising.


Game of Thrones won't be cancelled because it's a cash cow that will bring huge dvd sales for decaded to come.


blame the state of Michigan if they had not gotten rid of there tax credits then the show would of continued


I love how none of the shows that the OP listed were actually cancelled. They all ended on their own terms. SitC and Entourage even continue in movie form. Hung had a good first season, but the following two seasons were a mess. Even if the show had good ratings, I'm glad they put it out of its misery.

P.S. If they even think about cancelling GoT there will be riots.

Check out


This really sucks that its over. I know others are saying "its their own will to end it then" and such but I can't believe they really thought that last episode of Hung was a "good ending". What happened to Lenore is a HUGE gaping hole that no writer would willingly leave just open and "thats what I wanted". Maybe other factors came up after and it wasn't worth it to pursue but there is NO WAY you can tell me that was the ending they had envisioned.

It would be nice if they could do a final hour/hour and half movie or *AT THE VERY LEAST* a final book. I think for a lot of these shows a book would sell without a problem. I'd LOVE to see what the creators of the shows had in mind as far as the end.
