MovieChat Forums > Extraction 2 (2023) Discussion > Tyler retarded? Spoilers.

Tyler retarded? Spoilers.

Dude just leaves the main bad guy on the floor once he falls thru the sunroof and not finish him off. One dumbbell to the face should've been enough if he was out of guns/ammo.
This immediately leads to his best friend Yaz getting shot in the back while they're trying to "get to the choppa".

What the actual fuck?
Is he retarded?


I wondered about that as well. What struck me as especially bizarre is that the bad guy got to the roof before Tyler. Stupid.

In terms of storytelling, there are certain rules. One is that the good guy cannot kill a defenseless bad guy. (Sometimes this trope is subverted, such as the end of the first Jack Reacher movie, though he's initially inclined against it; moments earlier in the film he could shoot dead an opponent (Jai Courtney), but instead opts for a fair fight).

Anyway, one dumb turn deserves another. Before Tyler let him live, the villain did some stupid monologuing, opting to shoot Rake in the hand rather than the head, which would end two of his opponents with a single bullet.


I stopped questioning MC's plot armor long ago to protect my sanity LMAO.

The way he was holding on to that bar when the bullet went thru it should have shatted on impact and cause greater damage than the small hole we see him later patch it up.

Hahaha, Jai Courtney doesnt deserve a fair fight in movies, he should always die like a little bitch. I fucking hated him in almost everything mainsteam outside of Suicide Squad and in the sequel he dies in the first 10 minutes LEL.
